Page 85 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - 3-2020
P. 85
perfeCT posTure Does NoT exisT
practical wellness tips
The posture of each person rep-
resents a very complex balance
generated by an indissoluble union of
elements not only neuro-physiologi-
cal and bio-mechanical but also psy-
cho-emotional. Precisely for this reason,
through body movements, ours is a way
of relating to the unique and strictly per-
sonal surrounding space. This continuous
adaptation to external factors and above
all to the force of gravity generates the
postural structure of each individual who,
through the sensory organs, is in continu-
ous dynamism. So personal and so tied to
the psycho-emotional sphere, the postur-
al structure must remain far from being
standardized in rehabilitative and / or os-
teopathic treatments identical for every-
one. Each postural treatment must first of
all be based on an individual assessment
of the person carried out by competent
personnel; the position of the head, the
visual field, the dental occlusion and the
plantar support are just some of the pa-
rameters that could influence the posture
and therefore generate decompensa-
tions and then pathologies. Contacting
competent personnel is certainly the first
step to take to implement a suitable res-
toration of the correct motor gestures
both in static and dynamic but, given
the considerable increase in people who proprio corpo migliora la consa- regolare, alimentazione sana,
practice physical activity independent- pevolezza posturale. dinamicità e positività sono i pa-
ly, it is useful to follow the basic rules for
avoid the onset and/or aggravation of In conclusione, vista l’unicità di rametri che ci consentono di inte-
postural problems. Below is a list of prin- ogni individuo, possiamo affer- ragire e integrarci al meglio con
ciples to be observed: 1. Dedicate at least mare che la ricerca della postura lo spazio che ci circonda determi-
one hour a day to your body (exercise, perfetta secondo canoni estetici nando nel nostro corpo una cor-
autogenic training, meditation, excur- da “Uomo Vitruviano” non è la retta attivazione di tutte le attivi-
sions, walks); 2. Exercise the respiratory
muscles through suitable exercises; 3. Ac- linea corretta da seguire per mi- tà biologiche, basi indispensabili
tivate the pelvic and abdominal muscles gliorare il nostro atteggiamento per un buon tono sia muscolare
with appropriate exercises. 4. Remember posturale. Esercizio fisico, vita sia umorale.
that the emotional and mental state are
connected to the muscles and therefore
to posture; 5. Perform the exercises with
attention and control paying close atten-
tion to the perception of the body; 6. Train
the different muscle groups on all planes:
sagittal, frontal and transverse; 7. Accept
your initial limits; 8. Listen to your body;
9. Exercise progressively, slowly and grad-
ually; 10. Improving your body knowl-
edge improves postural awareness. In
conclusion, given the uniqueness of each
individual, we can say that the search
for the perfect posture according to the
aesthetic canons of the “Vitruvian Man”
is not the correct line to follow to improve
our postural attitude. Exercise, regular
life, healthy nutrition, dynamism and
positivity are the parameters that allow
us to interact and integrate better with
the space around us, determining in our
body a correct activation of all biological
activities, essential bases for good muscle
and humoral tone.
Mediterraneo e dintorni - 83