Page 92 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - 2-2020
P. 92

no, le schegge volarono per aria,   vendicatrice dei cavalieri italiani,
                                                  con violenza, ma tutti resistettero   cadde a terra disorientato tra la
                                                  gagliardamente.  Si  mise  allora   polvere del campo. Egli si rialzò
                                                  mano alla spada, e la pugna di-  subito e continuò a combattere
                                                  venne più terribile. Sette francesi   con lo spiedone, ma venne tosto
                                                  fecero impeto su cinque italiani   ferito mortalmente.  Il combatti-
                                                  e con varia fortuna si pugnò per   mento continuò violentissimo e
                                                  oltre un’ora. Due italiani furono   senza sosta. Miale di Troia ebbe
                                                  scavalcati e dati di mano gli spie-  la gamba trapassata da un colpo
                                                  doni, che erano stati messi appo-  di stocco ma continuò a combat-
                                                  sitamente sul campo, tornarono a   tere con un troncone  di  lancia.
                                                  combattere con maggiore vigore.   Martellin de Sambris e François
                                                  Due francesi intanto erano stati   de Pises, rovesciati da cavallo,
                                                  schiacciati  dal campo,  un altro   caddero a terra e dovettero ar-
                                                  con una stoccata moriva.  Gra-   rendersi.  Intanto Mariano  Abi-
                                                  ian d’Asti, il traditore, sul quale   gnente veniva ferito alla coscia
                                                  si era concentrata la prima furia   ma continuò a combattere. An-
                Stemmi italiani

                fonti quel velo era di colore cele-
                ste (azzurro Ischia) e sarebbe sta-  Ettore Fieramosca
                to indossato dai cavalieri italiani
                in omaggi a Isabella di Castiglia,
                regina di Spagna. Tenevano die-
                tro altrettanti gentiluomini che
                portavano gli elmetti e le lance.
                Anche i francesi si diressero ver-
                so il campo e portavano grandi
                sai cremisi di broccato d’oro.
                Poco dopo gli uni e gli altri entra-
                rono nel campo chiuso da un’im-
                mensa folla. Smontarono da
                cavallo  e  prostratisi pregarono
                brevemente. Rimontati a cavallo
                si scambiarono il saluto, misero
                le lance in resta ed al terzo suono
                di tromba si scagliarono furiosa-
                mente l’uno contro l’altro. L’urto
                fu terribile: le lance si spezzaro-

                champions against thirteen of the French. Accepted the challenge,   The collision was terrible: the spears broke, the splinters flew throu-
                with the rules and chivalrous customs of the time, it took place at   gh the air, violently, but everyone resisted vigorously. The sades were
                5 pm on February 13 of the year 1503 and took place in the neutral   then used and the clash became more terrible. Seven Frenchmen
                field, belonging to the Republic of Venice, between Andria and Co-  surged out of five Italians and with varying luck fought for over an
                rato. The thirteen knights were chosen by Prince Prospero Colonna   hour. But the victory was finally declared for the Italians: the Fren-
                among the most talented men of arms and from almost every pro-  ch, battered and plagued, left in a few and badly left, realizing their
                vince of Italy who were among his troops; and this task carried out   conditions, threw down their arms and surrendered. The French
                with great difficulty since all the Italian Knights present among his   knights themselves first recognized that they had been loyally beaten
                ranks would have liked to fight French arrogance and haughtiness.   by the Italian champions. The French defeat was met with incredible
                Ettore Fieramosca was elected as their captain. It was late afternoon   enthusiasm and circulated throughout the Courts of Europe! Ha-
                when the Italian champions made their way to the Challenge camp   ving beaten the French precisely on their favorite terrain, of which
                in a solemn procession. The French also made their way to the camp.   they boasted - the Cavalry with its rules - gave more than a pleasure
                Soon after, both entered the field closed by an immense crowd. They   to the Renaissance courts of the time. Therefore the event of Barletta
                dismounted and prostrated themselves briefly prayed. Reassembled   was acknowledged with surprise but with immense satisfaction. The
                on horseback, they exchanged greetings, put their spears in rest and   valiant winners saved on that day what remained of the homeland
                at the third sound of trumpet, they hurled furiously at each other.   and the reputation of the ancient Italic value, constituting a symbo-

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