Page 8 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 15
P. 8
tHe traBoCCHi CoaSt a bridge and suspended on beams fixed blue of the sea immediately imposes their
against rocky points and rocks, where marvelous presence, and the suggestion
he Trabocchi coast corresponds to the sea has depths and currents favorable that comes out of them makes them feel
Tthe Adriatic stretch located enti- to fishing. From the platform, wooden like sentinels on the sea in this stretch
rely in the province of Chieti which ex- arms that support a large net stretch out of the Adriatic. An unparalleled eye-ca-
tends from the municipality of Ortona, towards the sea, which is lowered and tcher. The first ones were built in the
to the north, up to that of San Salvo, to hoisted with the help of a winch fixed to XVIII century on the coast of San Vito
the south, passing through San Vito the center of the same platform. Gabriele Chietino, where the oldest is found, that
Chietino, Rocca San Giovanni, Fossa- D’Annunzio in the work “The Triumph of Punta Turchino. In the municipality
cesia, Torino di Sangro, Casalbordino of Death” describes them as “colossal of San Vito, further north of the Traboc-
and Vasto. The trabocco is a wooden spiders”, wooden shelters that serve as co Turchino, we find the Trabocco Vento
structure used for fishing, consisting shelter for fishermen, “machines that di Scirocco, now used as a restaurant on
of a platform connected to the earth by seemed to live of their own life”. This the seafront. Going south to the munici-
intertwining of poles and ropes on the pality of Rocca San Giovanni, the Tra-
Trabocco Turchino
Questo intreccio di pali e funi
sul blu del mare impone imme-
diatamente la loro meravigliosa
presenza, e la suggestione che
ne viene fuori ce le fa percepire
come sentinelle sul mare in que-
sto tratto dell’Adriatico. Un im-
pareggiabile colpo d’occhio.
I primi trabocchi furono costruiti
nel XVIII secolo sulla costa di San
Vito Chietino, dove si trova il più
antico, quello di Punta Turchino.
Un poco più a nord di questo tro-
Punta Cavalluccio viamo il Trabocco Vento di Sci-
Mediterraneo e dintorni - 6