Page 43 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 9
P. 43
“MediterraNea ProJeCt”
SUrFiNG to UNderStaNd,
kNow, Meet, diSCoVer
he Mediterranean as a model. The
TMediterranean, the backbone of a
new civilization. The Mediterranean,
the cradle of a new Renaissance. We
were born inside, we grew up. We have
read it, studied it, the pages of our lite-
rature are impregnated. We could not
ignore, not listen to the voices that from
the other side of the bank, the one to the
south, attracted our attention. We de-
cided to do it, to leave. Simone Perotti,
writer-sailor, creator of the “Mediter-
ranea Project”, dreamed of this project
since ever, since the first moments when
Tago di Lisbona, tappa conclusi- cando le principali città costiere. he was still a child on sailing boats and
va della rotta 2018. Il lungo viag- Si naviga per capire, conoscere, this desire, in the practice of writing and
gio di Mediterranea terminerà a incontrare, scoprire. Anni di navi- constant study of texts and of the docu-
Genova il 12 ottobre 2019, dopo gazione, mesi e mesi a incrociare ments that led him to the publication of
numerous novels and essays, it always
aver percorso le ultime miglia nel lungo le coste del Mediterraneo ci remained there, in a corner of his mind,
mare che bagna il Maghreb e dopo hanno portato a comprendere con waiting. And as sometimes happens,
aver risalito l’Italia tirrenica, toc- maggior forza quanto complessa,
Mediterraneo e dintorni - 41