Page 57 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 8
P. 57
production). Our country is the largest Naples and in marine protected areas
European producer, after Germany. such as the Tremiti Islands. Situation
Seas and oceans. It is in the oceans that not unlike the channel of Sicily, Sar-
life proliferated when nothing on ear- dinia, Aegean Sea, Corsica, France,
th existed. Today they are populated, North Africa, Turkey, Greece. Some
as well as by flora, marine fauna and Belgian biologists have found micro-
plastic. The first often feeds on the se- plastics in the mussels, and if we con- La Great Pacific Garbage Patch, grande
cond, exchanging it for food, and thus sider that in the Netherlands they are chiazza di immondizia, si ä formata nella
zona di convergenza del Vortice subtropicale
entering the food chain. Not to men- the national dish, it is rather worrying. del Nordpacifico
tion, then, that 90% of seabirds have Lakes and rivers. The situation is no
plastic waste in the stomach. The lar- better for lakes, “sick” of waste and
gest waste accumulation area in the sewage treatment plants that do not
world is located in the North Pacific, work properly, and for rivers, whose
where currents create an area of con- situation is exacerbated by the abusive
vergence. It is called the Great Pacific spills of polluting substances.
Garbage Patch, a sort of floating island Earth. A German study would seem to
that feeds on our every stupid daily ge- show that microplastic ground pollu-
sture. In the Mediterranean there is no tion is four to twenty-three times gre-
“island”, but on the other hand, being a ater than marine pollution. Of the 300
substantially closed sea, it is suffocated million tons of plastic produced each
by plastic. In our country 200,000 pla- year, about a third remain in soils and
stic microframes per square kilometer fresh waters.
were found in the Genoa basin; high pe- Think about it before throwing a plastic
aks were also detected in the waters of object into the environment!
microplastiche a chilometro qua-
drato. Terra. Uno studio tedesco
parrebbe dimostrare che l’inqui-
Lory Cocconcelli nata a Reggio Emilia nel namento terrestre da microplasti-
1968, da un decennio vive nell’Africa nera che sia da quattro a ventitré volte
per diversi mesi all’anno. Ha scritto il sag- superiore a quello marino. Dei
gio “Africa. Magia nera, sortilegi, streghe
e guaritori” edito da EEE e pubblicato nel 300 milioni e passa di tonnellate
2014, e “Quindici racconti dall’Africa nera”, di plastica prodotte ogni anno,
pubblicato nel 2017 dall’editore Oscura. È circa un terzo rimane nei suoli e
autrice di numerosi articoli e collabora con nelle acque dolci.
siti umanistici e riviste online. Se è vero che i governi di alcuni
Paesi, seppur con un certo ritar-
do, hanno iniziato ad adottare
misure a tutela dell’ambiente,
bandendo taluni oggetti di plasti-
ca o limitandone il consumo, è an-
che vero che queste non possono
essere attuate in modo efficace
senza la collaborazione di azien-
de e cittadini. Pensiamoci prima
di buttare dove capita oggetti di