Page 17 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 8
P. 17
creare un contesto scenico, stori- respira l’atmosfera di un mon-
co ed enogastronomico completo do antico sapientemente ripro- Atmospheres of Asti,
che oggi si rappresenta come una dotta dalle varie pro-loco della between the DoujA D’or
kermesse che attira – nel settem- provincia. Un esercito di cuochi AnD the peAsAnt worlD
bre astigiano – più di duecento- deve soddisfare la richiesta di un
mila persone all’anno, attratte pubblico così ampio, e lo fa rea- n the dialect of Asti and Piedmont
da una manifestazione in cui si lizzando oltre ottanta diversi tipi Iin general, douja is a rather pot-bel-
lied terracotta tankard used to decant,
preserve and serve wine. Easy refe-
rence to the typical Piedmont mask
of the commedia dell’arte, Gianduja,
the generous peasant with a ruddy
face and a frequent visitor to taverns.
Today the “Douja d’or” of Asti is
synonymous with wine festival, and
could not be otherwise in a city lo-
cated between the green hills of the
Langhe and those of Monferrato, both
UNESCO World Heritage Site since
2014. The “Douja d’or” is a national
wine competition that takes place
every year, since 1967, in the month
of September. The aim is to promote
the knowledge of the best wine pro-
ductions coming from all the Italian
regions. Particularly refined and evo-
cative also the setting in which the