Page 61 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 7
P. 61
luoghi di assoluto pregio, soprat- passato. Una maggiore consape- di restauro e valorizzazione dei
tutto in una terra che dovrebbe volezza di ciò che ha rappresen- beni culturali. Particolarmente,
basare il suo sviluppo sulla valo- tato anticamente questa regio- la somma destinata all’Abbazia
rizzazione dei numerosi e impor- ne, forse consentirebbe un più di Corazzo ammonterebbe a circa
tanti siti. Nell’ambito di un serio intenso respiro nella capacità di un milione di euro: la notizia fa
percorso conoscitivo la storia che pensare ad un futuro di crescita certamente piacere, nella speran-
ha contraddistinto la Calabria e di autentica costruzione socia- za che essa rappresenti un nuovo
non può essere posta in secondo le. Recentemente si è appresa la scenario delle scelte prioritarie,
piano, visto che per progettare notizia di un impegno economi- idoneo ad alimentare lo sviluppo
responsabilmente il proprio fu- co da parte dell’attuale governo dell’intero patrimonio culturale
turo occorre conoscere il proprio regionale finalizzato all’attività della Calabria.
SILA PICCOLA, BETWEEN FORESTS claims that there are three hypotheses in a perspective of propagation of
AND SPIRITUALITY. THE ABBEY OF about the origin of the Abbey of traditional religious culture. With the
SANTA MARIA DI CORAZZO Corazzo: the first is that the structure subsequent advent of the Cistercian
was founded on a pre-existing monks the completed development of
beautiful corner of Calabria, which settlement of the Basilian monks; the the structure was manifested, which
A exudes mysticism, culture and second, the foundation rests on the also became a place of productive
ancient civilization. As soon as you arrival of the Cistercians in that place cultivation of the neighboring
arrive at the Abbey of Santa Maria di towards the end of the twelfth century; lands, until the transformation into
Corazzo it seems to admire a typical the third, presupposes a Bull of Pope a perfectly autonomous site. The
landscape of the English countryside, Honorius II, which indicates some rigor of Cistercian monastic life
one of the many that have always privileges enjoyed by the Abbey itself. transformed this settlement into a
characterized that territory. Instead The historical and cultural importance center of attraction and crucial for the
we are in a wonderful place of Calabria, of this place is evidenced, moreover, also whole territory. The existence of the
exactly in a district falling in the town by the stay for some years of Gioacchino monastery was seriously compromised
of Carlopoli (CZ), in the middle of the da Fiore, who wrote some of his works by some seismic events. In 1807, with
Sila Piccola. This structure, whose in the abbey and was abbot from 1177 the unification of the possessions of
ruins are located in a valley near the to 1187. It is precisely during the years Corazzo to the public domain, began
river Corace, as many sources now say of stay in monastery that the thought the era of definitive abandonment and
was founded by Benedictine monks in of Gioacchino had greater vigor. After the spoliation of the artistic works of
the eleventh century, in the context of this period he headed for Sila, founding the abbey. The fascination of places full
a Latinization work undertaken by the a new religious congregation in San of history and mysticism remains in a
Normans, and rebuilt by the Cistercian Giovanni in Fiore. The Abbey of very beautiful natural setting. It is a
monks in next century. Some research Santa Maria di Corazzo was founded site that deserves to be enhanced.