Page 53 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 7
P. 53

Il Manifesto
                                                   di Don Luigi Sturzo
                                                                                LUIGI STURZO, “FREE AND
                                                                                STRONG” FOR A HUNDRED
                                                                                YEARS! THE PRINCIPLE OF
                                                                                “AUTHORITY” IN THE THOUGHT
                                                                                OF THE
                                                                                SICILIAN PRIEST

                                                                                Exactly  one  century  ago,  on  18
                                                                                January  1919,  Don  Luigi  Sturzo
                                                                                launching his appeal “To all free
                                                                                and  strong  men”  and  establishing
                                                                                the Popular Party, restored to the
                                                                                country the active contribution of
                                                                                Italian Catholics. We would like to
                                                                                recall  a  fundamental  aspect  of  the
                                                                                theoretical apparatus developed by
                                                                                the  priest  from  Caltagirone  on  the
                                                                                question of political authority. Luigi
                                                                                Sturzo teaches us that every society,
                                                                                whatever  its  form,  can  never  do
                                                                  Il programma   without authority. Sturzo sees in it
                                                         del Partito Popolare Itaiano  a  “principle  of  order”,  a  “means  of
                                                                                unification”, the “symbol” of sociality
                                                                                itself.  Sturzo  starts  from  the  belief
                                                                                that we can not talk about society, if
                                                                                not as a “sharing” of ideas, feelings,
                                                                                affections, values and interests. It is
                                                                                precisely the conflict and intersection
                                                                                of the actions carried out in the name
                                                                                of these values and interests that lead
                                                                                Sturzo to affirm that individuals in
                                                                                society contribute, each in his / her
                                                                                own way - directly or indirectly - to
                                                                                the  “creation,  implementation  and
                                                                                solidification of authority “; for this
                                                                                reason he reiterates that “the essence
                                                                                of authority is the same permanent,
                                                                                active, unifying and responsible
                                                                                conscience”.  This  assessment  gives
                                                                                rise to the consideration of Sturzo in
                                                                                relation to the genesis of institutions,
                                                                                since both the emergence of authority
            unificatrice  e  responsabile”.  Da   di fuori della società. Poi ci sono   and the subjection to it are “facts
            qui, la considerazione sturziana,   i nemici dell’autorità, in quanto   of conscience” and only in the
            di  tipo “genetico-evolutivo”, in   contraria ad un proprio interesse   individual conscience is it possible to
            ordine alla genesi delle istitu-  particolare e finiscono per essere   trace the value of social unification in
            zioni, dal momento che, tanto    colpiti dalle stesse leggi che vio-  authority. There are different types
                                                                                that deny authority. The former are
            l’emergere dell’autorità, quanto   lano. In terzo luogo, vi sono colori   those who deny it as such, and they
            l’assoggettarsi ad essa sono “fatti   che negano l’autorità e un deter-  are the anarchists, who immediately
            di coscienza” e solo nella coscien-  minato ordine sociale perché ri-  and  autonomously  put  themselves
            za individuale è possibile rin-  tengono che ve ne sia un altro mi-  outside society. Then  there are  the
            tracciare il valore più profondo   gliore. Questi  ultimi esprimono   enemies  of  authority,  as  opposed  to
                                                                                their own particular interest and end
            dell’unificazione  sociale  nell’au-  una continua forma di rinnova-  up being hit by the same laws that they
            torità.                          mento sociale, un fermento per-    violate. Thirdly, there are those who
            Esistono diverse tipologie che ne-  petuo che può condurre verso il   deny authority and a certain social
            gano l’autorità. I primi sono colo-  meglio, ma anche verso il peggio.   order because they believe that there is
            ro che la negano in quanto tale, e   A queste tre categorie: l’anarchi-  another better one. The latter express
            sono gli anarchici, i quali si met-  co, il partigiano e il riformatore,   a continuous form of social renewal,
                                                                                a  perpetual  ferment  that  can  lead
            tono immediatamente e da sé al   Sturzo ne aggiunge una quarta: il   to the best, but also to the worst. To

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