Page 30 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 7
P. 30
Giuseppe Alessio Nuzzo con Mariano Rigillo
A pure feeling that does not seem of each movement, look, breath of the
to know borders. To accompany protagonist of this short film.
the journey through time, in the The short film “The name you always
memories, between present, past and gave me” starring Mariano Rigillo
future, a poem about love and death of with Anna Teresa Rossini, Marco
St. Augustine that makes the images Rosso Cacciapuoti and Fabiola Dalla
even stronger and more poignant, Chiara. “For the identification of the
studied as paintings, touches of color protagonist” - the director writes
on a canvas of landscapes poorly in the notes - “I had no doubt: when
used by cinema and television, those we started composing the first lines
on the coast between Formia and of the script I immediately referred
Gaeta, called “Riviera di Ulisse”. to Mariano Rigillo, as if his image,
“The name you always gave me” is his physicality, his great humanity,
the fable of eternal love. An example suggested what to write and how
of how cinema can do and still be to compose the character and the
poetry. To accomplish this artistic narration “.
and cinematographic act Nuzzo The particularity of this project,
uses the words of St. Augustine of beyond the poetic intuition, sweet and
“Death is Nothing”. An exciting fresh, lies in its format of recording
text, sometimes suffocating, both and diffusion. In fact, the film has
for the beauty hidden in every letter been realized both in vertical format
and for the intensity of the concept: and in horizontal format in order to
the eternal feeling. “I’m still me, and make available and available history
you’re still you. We are still what we and images through large and small
were before each other. Call me with screen or smartphone. Among
the name you have always given me, other works by Giuseppe Alessio
which is familiar to you; talk to me in Nuzzo: “The truth” with Francesco
Locandina del film the same affectionate way you have Montanari, Nicoletta Romanoff,
always used. Fabrizio Nevola, Anna Safroncik;
Do not change tone of voice, do not and “Letters to my daughter” with
assume a solemn or sad air. Keep Leo Gullotta, with whom he won the
laughing at what made us laugh, Giffoni Film Festival in 2016. Not
about those little things that we liked only a young director but ambitious
so much when we were together, director of the Social World Film
“says a verse. Only an example of Festival, whose eighth edition will be
a few verses that accompany the held from 29 July to 5 August 2019 in
succession of images and the intensity Vico Equense.