Page 49 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 6
P. 49

the indian ink drawinGs By     their roots, when it has not been locked   Pirano, Il Porticciolo
              leonardo BellasPiGa, on        up in the foibe. The focus of his art is
              the trail of the serenissima   the constant wonder at the beauty of
                                             creation but also the wonder aroused in
                 ulle ali della Bora, nel ruggito del    the centuries by the ingenuity of which
              SLeone; da Trieste a Cattaro sulla   the human being is capable. Perhaps
              rotta di Venezia is not only an artistic   this is why among his admirers there
              composition: it is an operation of the   are also the two last pontiffs: Benedetto
              soul, a pulse of the heart, an incentive to   XVI, who preserves the twenty-five
              memory, a tribute to history. It is a fee-  tables dedicated to the Sacro Monte
              ling of brotherhood that runs along the   of Varese; and Pope Francesco, who
              “Italian” eastern Adriatic coast, where   at Easter meditated on the Via Crucis
              the first romanitas and the Serenissima   recently designed by Bellaspiga. The
              Repubblica di Venezia have then   one hundred and fifty indian ink
              marked a civilization today represented   drawings on the wings of the Bora, in
              by dreamed places...  because  left   the roar of the Lion are to be considered
              behind. Leonardo Bellaspiga, born in   a masterpiece as they help to reason,
              1925 in Osimo, an engineer who loves   express a starting point, a proposal to
              art, science, opera and beauty, with   deepen, a solicitation to understand.
              his magnificent indian ink drawings   Therefore, the immediate aspect of the
              wonderfully reproduces signs and   design, that is the aesthetic one, seems
              landscapes that reach Montenegro   to go hand  in hand with the ethical
              through Dalmatia. His refined black   one, aimed at seeking the meaning
              and white lace the glimpses of that   of existence. This is really a work that,
              territory is the sign of an extraordinary   deservingly, helps to turn the memory
              sensitivity that  is  essentially  human,   into a duty, art into a fundamental
              where the places designed are the   pedagogical element and... the Adriatic
              story of a people forced to abandon   in a bridge.

            Muggia,  Il Mandracchio                          Parenzo, Basilica Eufrasiana

            Cristoglie - Capodistria, Chiesa romanica con fortificazioni
            della Santissima Trinità  XII-XIV sec. (particolare)

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