Page 14 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 6
P. 14

the harVest millennial rituals

                                                                      ine is one of the greatest signs of civilization in
                                                                «Wthe  world»,  said  Hernest  Hemingway.  Already
                                                                Omero tells us about the wine, symbol of social pre-
                                                                stige, that the Greeks drank for breakfast, lunch and din-
                                                                ner; present in banquets as in oaths, in funeral rites as in
                                                                religious  ceremonies.  Drinking  wine  for  the  Greeks  also
                                                                represented the seal of the collective rite and of the com-
                                                                munity dimension to which they were very sensitive,
                                                                handed down to the present day. Even in ancient Rome
                                                                there was a similar diffusion and importance: the edict
                                                                of the emperor Domitian, in 90 AD, imposed on the
                                                                peasants to uproot half the vines due to overproduction
                                                                present throughout the Italian peninsula. The harvest
                                                                is all this: nature, charm, history, rituality, work, care of
                                                                the territory. There is no doubt that today it is rare to see
                                                                that collective work in the vineyards where relatives and
                                                                friends once gathered, and which ended celebrating
                                                                with a rich banquet. That magnificent rural dimension of
                                                                fatigue and satisfaction can be found in a few small reali-
                                                                ties. On the other hand, where the surfaces are very large,
                                                                dedicated to an “industrial” production, it is clear that the
                                                                harvest is made almost exclusively mechanically, but this
                                                                does not remove results from quality. Three are essential-
                                                                ly the right periods for the harvest: August-September,
                                                                September-October, and October-November for late-ripe-
                                                                ning grapes.
                                                                There are also three main stages of processing: harvesting,
               nazionalità, tradizioni e colori diversi, unite nella fati-  crushing and fermentation. The grapes must be harve-
               ca e nell’impegno ma sostenute da modalità e sistemi   sted at the precise moment, before they dry up and ruin the
               nuovi e moderni. E d’altro canto saper utilizzare bene   vineyard. As we said before, the difference between “indus-
                                                                trial” crops and very limited crops is evident: in the former
               le tecniche e la tecnologia attualmente disponibili non   there is a series of on-the-spot checks to decide when the
               può che restituire valore aggiunto ad un’arte bucolica   harvest should begin, while in small vineyards the calcu-
               dal fascino inestinguibile. Si pensi alle modificazioni   lations are based on experience or on the combination of
               climatiche e ambientali che inducono i moderni con-  hypotheses, perhaps also through a comparison of opin-
               tadini-imprenditori a dover necessariamente innova-  ions between family and friends. However, what can be

               La Tenuta Lento, nel comune di Amato (CZ), fra il mar Jonio e il mar Tirreno

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