Page 77 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - 4-2020
P. 77

lavorare razionalmente per correggere abitudini   per bambini e adulti hanno proprio lo scopo di
            scorrette legate magari al periodo dell’infanzia o  a   educare o rieducare il partecipante a un consumo
            tradizioni familiari. Far proprio il principio cardine   consapevole del cibo, godendo e apprezzando
            del mindfulness, essere nel qui e ora, può servire   le caratteristiche peculiari di ogni alimento e
            anche per imparare a introdurre la frutta nella   dedicando il giusto tempo all’atto alimentare/
            propria alimentazione. Mangiare con la coscienza   nutritivo che troppo spesso nella fretta della
            di quello che si sta facendo, prestare attenzione alle   quotidiana routine diventa quasi automatico e
            sensazioni fisiche correlate a ciò che                           privo di significato. Anche per
            stiamo consumando; far caso                                         contrastare lo stress quotidiano
            al profumo differente                                                sforziamoci di mangiare con
            di ogni frutto e alla                                                   la consapevolezza  che
            sua intensità nei                                                          stiamo nutrendo il
            vari gradi di                                                               nostro organismo;
            maturazione; far                                                             distraiamoci da
            seguire all’atto                                                             tutto il resto e
            di annusare la                                                               concentriamoci
            consapevolezza                                                               sull’atto alimentare
            del sapore tipico e                                                         ricordando
            unico di ogni frutto.                                                     l’ammonizione di
            Oggi i corsi di analisi                                                 Ippocrate, padre della
            sensoriale dei cibi e i                                              medicina: «Che il tuo
            cosiddetti laboratori esperienziali                             alimento sia il tuo medicamento».

            frUiT: We MUsT noT do WiThoUT!   our organism would not occur. So fruit,   related to what we are consuming; pay
                                             which by nature is rich in fundamental   attention to the different scent of each
                                             micronutrients, must necessarily be an   fruit and its intensity in the various
                A concept of fundamental     integral part of the foods we consume   degrees of ripeness; to follow when
                importance for health and    every day. A poor intake of vitamins and   smelling the awareness of the typical
            psychophysical well-being is the   minerals over time is the cause of the   and unique flavor of each fruit. Today
            following: fruit plays a vital role in human   appearance of unpleasant problems:   the food sensory analysis courses and
            nutrition at all ages of an individual.   fatigue, unmotivated anxiety, mood   the so-called experiential laboratories
            More and more often wrong habits and   alterations, difficulty concentrating   for children and adults have the purpose
            erroneous convictions relegate the intake   and memory loss, muscle pain, dry skin,   of educating or re-educating the
            of fruit to a role of optional food, almost   brittle nails and hair, possible infertility,   participant in a conscious consumption
            a non-food, an accessory. In modern,   descaling of bones. Maintaining or   of food, enjoying and appreciating the
            industrialized society, there is the paradox   improving one’s health, preventing hypo   peculiar characteristics of each food and
            of the lack of intake of micronutrients, of   or hypernutrition diseases starts with   dedicating the right time to the act food
            which fruit is rich. These micronutrients,   the choice of food. Keep in mind that   / nutrient that too often in the rush of
            vitamins and minerals in the first place,   first of all food means nutrition for the   daily routine becomes almost automatic
            are fundamental for the functioning of   body, so knowing food is necessary to   and meaningless. Also to counteract
            cells and consequently of tissues, organs   ensure proper nutrition. Taste, which   daily stress, let us strive to eat with the
            of the whole organism. Daily nutrition   is also personal, can be educated, you   awareness that we are nourishing our
            must be varied and rich in all nutrients,   can work rationally to correct incorrect   body; let’s distract ourselves from all the
            both macro (proteins, carbohydrates,   habits related perhaps to the period of   rest and concentrate on the alimentary
            lipids) and micro (vitamins and minerals)   childhood or family traditions. Eat with   act remembering the admonition of
            as well as of course water, without   the awareness of what you are doing,   Hippocrates, father of medicine: «May
            which all the biochemical reactions of   pay attention to the physical sensations   your food be your medicine».
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