Page 66 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - 4-2020
P. 66

built the beautiful old Synagogue, used
                                                                                   today as a concert venue. Harbin is also
                                                                                   Ice City! The ideal place where resilience
                                                                                   has its essence, where cold and ice have
                                                                                   become an opportunity for growth
                                                                                   and development: a small “Frozen”, an
                                                                                   enchanted kingdom of 750,000 square
                                                                                   meters whose austere ice constructions
                                                                                   at night turn into colossal and suggestive
                                                                                   multicolored scaffolding. This metropolis
                                                                                   every year offers, in fact, an unparalleled
                                                                                   winter show: the “International Ice and
                                                                                   Snow Sculpture Festival” which attracts
                                                                                   tourists from all over the world. And it is
                                                                                   precisely this extraordinary winter event
                                                                                   that becomes a tempting occasion, even
                                                                                   for our country, to notice interesting
                                                                                   commercial negotiations. Institutional
                                                                                   and entrepreneurial organizations are
                                                                                   in fact working to understand how
                                                                                   to build bridges with China, precisely
                                                                                   starting from the valorisation and the
                                                                                   correct exploitation of the respective
                                                                                   know-how. In particular, last January
                                                                                   a delegation made up of Calabrian
                                                                                   representatives of Confesercenti and
                                                                                   local agents participated in the entire
                                                                                   Italian day in Harbin with the aim of
                                                                                   functional production control for the
                                                                                   entire cultural and economic exchange. An
                                                                                   important opportunity for Italian-Chinese
                                                                                   confrontation and underlined, among
                                                                                   other things, by the will expressed by the
                                                                                   mayor of Harbin to create a “small Italy”
                ghiaccio e di neve” che attira    Day di Harbin con l’obiettivo di   there: some buildings will be the subject
                turisti da tutto il mondo. Ed è   avviare un dialogo produttivo    of a particular renovation that will draw
                                                                                   an Italian glimpse. In one of the buildings
                proprio questa straordinaria      finalizzato all’interscambio     close to what is also called the “Paris of
                manifestazione invernale che      culturale ed economico.          the East”, thanks to the collaboration
                diventa occasione ghiotta,        Un importante momento            agreements signed, typically Italian
                anche per il nostro Paese, per    di confronto italo-cinese        symbols of craftsmanship, catering,
                avviare interessanti trattative   caratterizzato, fra l’altro, dalla   gastronomy, culture and tourism will find
                commerciali. Organizzazioni       volontà espressa dal primo       space. Therefore, the foundations are laid
                istituzionali ed imprenditoriali,   cittadino di Harbin di creare   for an increasingly profitable comparison
                infatti, sono al lavoro per       lì una“piccola Italia”: alcuni   that aims at a bilateral enhancement
                capire in che modo costruire      edifici saranno oggetto di una   of Italian and Chinese wealth: Calabria,
                ponti con la Cina, proprio a      particolare ristrutturazione che   in particular, has already “tasted” its
                partire dalla valorizzazione      andrà a disegnare uno scorcio    peculiarities thanks to the products offered
                                                                                   for the occasion and to the focuses made
                e dallo sfruttamento sano         del Belpaese. In uno dei palazzi   on oil, wine, ‘nduja, preserves, pasta,
                del rispettivo know-how. In       vicini a quella che è anche      sweets and on real estate investments.
                particolare, lo scorso gennaio    definita la “Parigi d’Oriente”,   The next trip to China is scheduled for the
                una delegazione formata da        troveranno spazio, grazie        month of June when new commercial,
                rappresentanti calabresi di       agli accordi di collaborazione   tourist and cultural negotiations will be
                Confesercenti e amministratori    sottoscritti, simboli tipicamente   launched with the cities of Pasadina,
                locali ha partecipato all’Italy   italiani dell’artigianato, della   Spandau and Blagoveshchenk.

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