Page 55 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - 4-2020
P. 55

hidden harMony

                                                                                   “The true nature of things loves
                                                                                   to hide,” wrote Heraclitus, and
                                                                               called it, precisely, Hidden Harmony.
                                                                               Continuous change is the only truth
                                                                               we are given to know, everything is
                                                                               in constant evolution. But is there
                                                                               something within this change that
                                                                               remains immutable? An eternal law
                                                                               that regulates the flow? The only
                                                                               mathematical law that physicists look
                                                                               for which final formula that governs
                                                                               the whole universe? Harmony, that
                                                                               sound that the Pythagoreans said was
                                                                               composed of the movement of the
                                                                               planets in space and which we do not
                                                                               hear just because we are addicted?
                                                                               In the early 1900s, the painters of
            L’occhio fotografico che                                           the figurative avant-garde began to
                                                                               abandon the representation of the
            ricerca l’infinito nel                                             surroundings to try to express another
                                                                               content. The great revolution began
                                                                               with Cézanne. Then Matisse who
            quotidiano può fornire                                             renounced the perspective vision and
                                                                               tried to compose the balance through
            ulteriori livelli di lettura tra                                   the use of objects painted on the
                                                                               canvas not in their real colors, but in
            piani, volumi, cromie, tensioni                                    strong colors. Painting evolves towards
                                                                               abstractionism. Mondrian set out to
            e rispondenze inscritte nei                                        represent Harmony with the use of
                                                                               primary colors and orthogonal lines:
                                                                               the only ones that, according to him,
            paesaggi dell’essere                                               could represent the duality of opposites,
                                                                               the engine of change as well as for
                                                                               Heraclitus. Less rigorously geometric
                                                                               were Kandinskji and Klee. The goal
                                                                               was to contribute to man’s spiritual
                                                                               progress. Art is an instrument of
                                                                               knowledge. The eternal is investigated
                                                                               through lines, colors, shapes. Between
            rappresentazione del circostante per provare ad esprimere un       1857 and 1868 Charles Baudelaire had
            contenuto altro. La grande rivoluzione cominciò con Cézanne. Poi   already composed the poem book Les
            Matisse che rinunciò alla visione prospettica e provò a comporre   Fleurs du Mal. Inside there is the poem
            l’equilibrio attraverso l’uso di oggetti dipinti sulla tela non nei loro   “Correspondances” which is considered
                                                                               as the manifesto of contemporary
            colori reali, ma a tinte forti. La pittura si evolve verso l’astrattismo.   poetry. The poet was assigned a role
            Mondrian si propose di rappresentare l’Armonia con l’uso dei colori   of penetration of the universe, almost
            primari e delle linee ortogonali: le uniche che, secondo lui, potevano   mystical. The photography of Hidden
            figurare la dualità degli opposti, motore del mutamento così come per   Harmony or Post-Abstractism presents

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