Page 36 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - 4-2020
P. 36
zonzo in automobile toccando luoghi soprattutto houses, thatched roofs, ancient Gothic churches and wonderful
di campagna che non avevamo ancora visitato, gardens. If one is looking for true “englishness” it is here that
ma che più di altri ci promettevano un’autentica he must come. The ideal way to enjoy it is to walk along long
pedestrian paths between woods and pastures. We then moved
immersione nella più tipica atmosfera britannica. west and literally discovered Wales. First Pembrokeshire in the
Prima tappa alle Cotswolds, la più grande e più extreme southwest. Right on the tip, next to spectacular cliffs,
antica area protetta d’Inghilterra: vi trovi immensi there is the ancient Norman cathedral dedicated to St. David,
pascoli ma anche adorabili villaggi con magnifiche the saint who brought Christianity to Wales. The visit is worth
case in pietra color miele, tetti di paglia, antiche a whole trip. Further north is the Snowdonia National Park, a
rugged and rocky territory carved out of green glacial valleys
chiese gotiche e meravigliosi giardini. Se uno cerca and dotted with countless lakes. Then Liverpool the city of the
la vera “englishness” è qui che deve venire. Beatles and Albert Dock, with its nineteenth-century severity.
Il modo ideale per godersela è mettersi in cammino A visit to the sumptuous Chester, surrounded by Roman walls
sui lunghi percorsi pedonali tracciati fra boschi and, in order not to miss anything, a passage in the places of
e pascoli, mettendo naturalmente in conto la the very first industrial revolution, whose emblem is the first iron
bridge in history built in the eighteenth century in the town of
pressoché inevitabile doccia fredda lungo la via, Coalbrookdale for this renamed Ironbridge. And then Greater
anch’essa così consona al modo di essere britannico: London, so multifaceted that you never find it as you left it the
“It’s only water!” ci dicono spesso i nostri amici, last time. Finally in Cambridge to find friends. We know the city
sorridendo dei nostri affannosi tentativi di ripararci well but it is always beautiful and we like to stroll lazily in known
ad ogni minimo cenno di pioggia. Ci siamo poi places having long and pleasant conversations with friends
between a beer in the pub (or two, or three ..), pleasantly infected
spostati a ovest e abbiamo letteralmente scoperto by a thin dose of “Englishness” . And we don’t mind it at all.
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