Page 19 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - 4-2020
P. 19
censiti gli esemplari che frequen-
tano le acque del golfo, con lo
scopo di identificare le mamme e
le zie con i cuccioli e quantificare
il tempo che passano con loro
all’interno dell’area di studio.
Sono bastati pochi mesi di mo-
nitoraggio per ottenere i primi
risultati: da maggio ad ottobre
2019, durante 829 ore passate in
mare e 1845 km percorsi, sono
stati effettuati 81 avvistamenti
di tursiopi e identificati 58 esem-
plari, riconoscibili grazie ai segni
presenti sulla pinna dorsale
equivalenti alle nostre impronte
digitali. Dalle analisi effettuate
su questi dati sono 10 le mamme
e le zie avvistate con i cuccioli e
been carrying out for several years the project of protection and sighting - on the yellow ships of Corsica and Sardinia Ferries the
sustainable development of the dolphin watching activity called signs are posted which introduce the particular local reality and
“Gulf of dolphins”, whose name derives from the peculiarity sensitize tourists to take care of them by providing the rules to
of these waters. The project aims to create a reality based on respect these splendid animals in the event of a lucky encounter.
environmental awareness, sustainability and respect for its A few months of monitoring were enough to obtain the first
territory. The program includes concrete actions involving the results: from May to October 2019, during 829 hours spent at
residents and tourists who visit each year: in addition to the sea and 1845 km traveled, 81 bottlenose dolphin sightings were
creation of a network of sustainable dolphin watching tour made and 58 specimens identified, recognizable thanks to the
operators - Friend Of the Sea certified, who respond to a protocol signs present on the equivalent dorsal fin to our fingerprints.
of conduct to minimize the impact on the animals during the Although it is still early to declare that the gulf is being used as
Mediterraneo e dintorni - 17