Page 93 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - 3-2020
P. 93
flections change as the light and marine precisely the waterfalls that best repre- birds, and trout in the waters of lakes and
fauna change. This extraordinary place sent the site, being the symbol and image rivers. A place that deserves a visit at any
is divided into two parts. 12 upper lakes that most impresses with this fabulous time of the year, but undoubtedly May is
are located in a Dolomite valley and are scenario located in the heart of the Euro- the best month both for the mild temper-
surrounded by wild forests (composed pean continent. The lakes can be visited atures and for the flowering of the plants
of beeches, white firs, larches and Scots on wooden walkways built right on the and for the abundance of water. In au-
pines) and spectacular waterfalls; while 4 water and in certain points they are pass- tumn, then, the trees turn red and orange
lower lakes, also spectacular, are on cal- able on electric boats. The park is natural- giving the visitor a romantic look; while
careous soil and have an abundance of ly rich in fauna: butterflies, brown bears, in winter, due to the cold temperatures,
waterfalls and jumps of water including wild boars, wolves, lynx, foxes, badgers the waterfalls and ponds freeze making
the Veliki Slap, a 78-meter waterfall. It is and roe deer, as well as a multitude of everything really fairytale. If you intend