Page 73 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - 3-2020
P. 73
tober 1883 with departure from France
to Romania through Vienna and was
the beginning of a great adventure of
an epic age: the Belle Epoque of which
it became the symbol. In 1885 a new
route was inaugurated from Vienna to
Istanbul via Belgrade, Nis and Plovdiv.
During the First World War the Orient-
Express temporarily suspended the
service, and then resumed it with the
opening of the Simplon tunnel. The new
route connecting Lausanne, Milan, Ve-
nice and Trieste became known as Sim-
plon Orient-Express. The golden age
of the Orient-Express was the 1930s.
Conspiracies, loves, business, new
world views and assassinations were
born in his luxurious wagons. The jour-
ney led through all the empires of Eu-
rope, carrying with it the illusion of joy,
prosperity and peace. The fame of the
famous and romantic train also inspi-
red literature and cinema.
The train consists of 17 carefully resto-
red 1920s carriages, three restaurant
carriages, an elegant bar carriage in the
ghetto continuavano il viaggio anni Trenta del secolo scorso con center of the train. From 2018 Orient-
per raggiungere la città di Co- tre collegamenti in contempora- Express has been enriched with three
stantinopoli (odierna Istanbul) nea: l’Orient-Express, il fratello new “Grand Suites” each of which takes
inspiration from one of the three cities
che rimase capolinea fino al minore Simplon Orient-Express, crossed by the trip: Paris, Venice and
1977. Nel 1885 venne inaugura- e l’Arlberg Orient-Express che Istanbul. In 2019 the Orient-Express has
ta una nuova tratta da Vienna a copriva le tratte da Zurigo e Inn- redone the look by adding three new
Istambul passando per Belgra- sbruck via Budapest per poi rag- and splendid suites to its historic carria-
do, Nis e Filippopoli. giungere Bucarest e Atene. ges available for travelers since 2020:
Durante la prima guerra mon- Nei suoi lussuosi vagoni nasce- Vienna, Prague, Budapest.
diale l’Orient-Express sospese vano complotti, amori, affari, At the end of March 2020 everyone on
board to start from the Hotel Cipriani
temporaneamente il servizio, nuove visioni del mondo e assas- in Venice with a themed party whe-
per poi riprenderlo con l’aper- sinii. Il tragitto si snodava attra- re compliance with the dress code is
tura del tunnel del Sempione. verso tutti gli imperi d’Europa necessarily required; the next day we
La nuova via che collegava Lo- trasportando con sé l’illusione di depart from the station of the lagoon
sanna, Milano, Venezia e Trie- gioia, prosperità e pace. Divenne city through Italy, Austria, Switzerland,
ste divenne nota come Simplon famoso per il confort e la sua ele- France and part of Southern England to
Orient-Express. L’epoca d’oro ganza e fu utilizzato dapprima experience a fairytale journey that in-
cludes landscape, tourism, history and
dell’Orient-Express furono gli per i reali, i nobili, i ricchi bor-
Mediterraneo e dintorni - 71