Page 47 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - 3-2020
P. 47

turistica, troppo cemento arma-   non sono entusiasti di vivere nel   come spesso accade agli innova-
            to, troppa altezza.               complesso.                       tori, sarà criticato aspramente.
            Tutti questi fattori creano incom-  Da qui l’altro soprannome di-  Le facciate.  La  Cité Radieuse è
            prensione verso il grandioso      spregiativo cube de béton, cubo di   così chiamata anche per l’uso
            progetto. I dipendenti pubblici,   calcestruzzo.  Le Cobursier cerca   sapiente della luce. Il complesso
            ad esempio, a cui vengono as-     volontariamente  l’esaltazione   è esposto a est e ad ovest, favo-
            segnati gli appartamenti, che     del béton, la sua idea è proietta-  rendo un’illuminazione naturale
            sono destinati alla classe media,   ta nel futuro e non viene capito,   all’interno degli appartamenti e

                                              hairdresser, doctor, gym, laundry, running   the ground floor apartments, notoriously
                                              path on the roof, a small swimming pool   not very bright and damp. The entrance
                                              reserved for children. In addition to 335   is solemn, with clear inspiration for the
                                              apartments. Built between 1947 and 1952,   skyscrapers of New York. The majestic hall
                                              when the people of Marseilles inaugurated   gives ample convivial space for the inhab-
                                              it, they defined it as the maison des fadas,   itants.
                                              the home of the insane. Too innovative,   Le Corbusier designs the entire Unitè
                                              futuristic, too much  reinforced  concrete,   d’Habitation on the Modulor, an anthro-
                                              too much  height. All these  factors create   pomorphic  measuring  scale,  “a  range  of
                                              misunderstanding towards the grand pro-  harmonious measures to meet the hu-
                                              ject. For example, civil servants to whom   man dimension, universally applicable to
                                              apartments are assigned, which are in-  architecture”. The apartments are divided
                                              tended for the middle class, are not enthu-  into 23 types with different sizes from 99
                                              siastic about living in the building. Hence   to 203 square meters. They are all built
                                              the other derogatory nickname cube de   on the model of the duplex, two different
                                              béton, a concrete cube. The Cité Radieuse is   levels connected by an internal staircase,
                                              so called also for the wise use of light. The   and a living room, not separated from the
                                              complex is exposed to the east and west,   kitchen, with large windows. At the time,
                                              favoring natural lighting inside the apart-  the conduit for eliminating organic waste
                                              ments and correct ventilation with vertical   was surprising! Upstairs, two or three bed-
                                              and horizontal air circulation. The external   rooms. In the apartments there are no cor-
                                              facades have various colors, each apart-  ridors, or rather the corridors are equipped
                                              ment has a different color for the curtains   walls that house built-in wardrobes with
                                              and the walls; instead the common spaces   sliding doors. About 1600 people live there.
                                              that contain the services, such as the lift,   Many families with children choose it for
                                              are in bare concrete. The complex rests on   tranquility and services. But also because
                                              imposing pilasters, the pilotis, which sep-  choosing the Cité Radieuse means living in
                                              arate it from the ground and support the   the history of architecture and immersed in
                                              entire building, eliminating the problem of   a beautiful landscape.

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