Page 83 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - Maggio 2020
P. 83
benefiTs from physiCal aCTiViTy the physiological alterations related to stress, can reinvigorate
us under the muscular and mental aspect, can help us rest better
Since the 4th-5th century BC in the culture of human beings overnight. Playing sports together with loved ones or maybe
the belief developed that the constant practice of a motor with a group of friends, means rediscovering the taste of being
activity was very useful in maintaining a good state of physical together and having fun doing something useful for yourself.
and mental health. In the writings of Hippocrates, father of Sometimes it can happen to feel listless, with a “heavy head”
preventive medicine, the concept of health and well-being was and to look in the mirror thinking “here I am fat”: this too must
correlated to the practice of physical activity and good nutrition. represent a strong stimulus to the practice of physical activity,
In the second century AD, in the views of Galen, one of the most which, together with proper nutrition, can allow us to control
famous doctors of antiquity, the rules of “health” were: “breathing weight and make us feel more “active” during the day. According
fresh air, eating properly, getting enough sleep, keeping intestinal to the guidelines of the World Health Organization, children
function regulated and dominating the emotion of ‘mood”. These and young people aged 5 to 17 should practice at least 1 hour of
simple actions, if implemented with commitment and continuity, sport for at least 3 days a week. Adults should practice moderate-
could still help us all to maintain a good level of “health”. Frantic intensity aerobic physical activity for a minimum of 150 minutes
rhythms, unhealthy life habits and worries, which afflict most or a minimum of 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week. As
of the world’s population, have canceled the wisdom of our reported in the “WHO global action plan for the prevention and
illustrious predecessors and made us forget that “well-being” control of non-communicable diseases 2013/2020”, correct
does not consist of possessing material goods, of an increasing and constant physical activity is necessary for the prevention of
number of personal and professional commitments, or at least cardiovascular diseases, tumors, chronic respiratory diseases and
not only, but above all by having a psycho-physical balance and diabetes, which they contribute to the increase of the individual’s
a mental lucidity, which allows us to better decide for our life, our morbidity and mortality, together with four shared behavioral risk
future and that of future generations. Practicing physical activity factors: tobacco consumption, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity
means dedicating time to yourself, to taking care of your body and harmful alcohol consumption. Attention, “sport can hurt if it
and mind, in a simple but extremely useful way. The constant is practiced badly”, so to choose which type of sport is best suited
practice and commitment of any sport, even only at an amateur to your physical and metabolic conditions, rely on the advice of
level and under the guidance of expert staff, can help us reduce your doctor.
minimo di 150 minuti oppure un minimo di 75
minuti di attività vigorosa alla settimana. Come
riportato nel “piano di azione globale dell’OMS per
la prevenzione ed il controllo delle malattie non
trasmissibili 2013/2020”, una corretta e costante
attività fisica è necessaria per la prevenzione
di malattie cardiovascolari, tumori, patologie
respiratorie croniche e diabete, che contribuiscono
all’aumento della morbilità e della mortalità
dell’individuo, insieme a quattro fattori condivisi
di rischio comportamentale: consumo di tabacco,
dieta non sana, inattività fisica e consumo dannoso
di alcol. Attenzione però, lo “sport può fare male se
pesante” e di guardarsi allo specchio pensando è fatto male”, quindi per scegliere quale tipologia di
“ecco sono ingrassato/a”: anche questo deve sport sia più adatta alla vostre condizioni fisiche e
rappresentare un forte stimolo alla pratica di attività metaboliche affidatevi ai consigli del vostro medico
fisica, che, insieme ad una corretta alimentazione, di fiducia.
può consentirci di controllare il peso e farci sentire
più “attivi” durante il
Secondo le linee guida
Mondiale della Sanità,
bambini e ragazzi di
età dai 5 ai 17 anni
dovrebbero praticare
almeno 1 ora di attività
sportiva per almeno 3
giorni alla settimana.
Gli adulti dovrebbero
praticare attività fisica
aerobica d’intensità
moderata per un
Mediterraneo e dintorni - 81