Page 79 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - Maggio 2020
P. 79
Italians, as in other countries, the
conviction was growing that it was
time to start an ambitious project,
indispensable for the well-being and
peace of a community of five hundred
million people. An unprecedented idea
aimed at reconstituting international
and intercontinental balances and
opening up new horizons of economic
and social progress. Its founding fathers
were, together with Robert Schuman
himself, the first Chancellor of the
Federal Republic of Germany Konrad
Adenauer, the Luxembourg politician
Robert Schuman
Joseph Bech, the last President of the
Council of the Kingdom of Italy and
first of the Republic Alcide De Gasperi,
tecnocrazia e dell’economicismo the councilor French economist Jean
che allontanano l’Istituzione Monnet, the Belgian statesman Paul-
dalla persona. Henri Spaak, the anti-fascist intellectual
Il cammino verso gli Stati Uniti Altiero Spinelli. The latter in the early
d’Europa va perciò sotto alcuni 1940s, together with other political
prisoners confined by the fascist regime
aspetti riformato e rimodulato; on the island of Ventotene, marked
la classe politica attuale the profile of federal Europe. It was the
ha una grossa ed esaltante decisive moment when the important
responsabilità storica in merito. Ventotene Manifesto was born. A
Una parola sbagliata ad alcuni year of confrontation, reasoning and
livelli è in grado di far crollare opposition followed. intelligences
le borse e di riflesso bruciare la mingling among them; deductions that
capacità protettive finanziarie di were born with a strong and durable
uno Stato. Va infine riconosciuta base, powerful in their projection
l’ispirazione cristiana del outside. As the agreement grew, the
vecchio continente, utile per extraordinary idea of Europe advanced.
The seeds were already many to bring
rinnovare lo spirito, la coscienza to the first treaties. Today, however,
e di conseguenza le capacità we need a new, more cohesive Europe
progettuali in campo sociale, if we do not want to fall into the risk
culturale ed economico. Il nove of technocracy and economics that
maggio si festeggia e assieme distance the institution from the
si riparte. Auguriamoci, allora, person. The process towards the United
che tale ripartenza avvenga States of Europe must be reformed and
con presupposti incardinati sui remodeled. Let us hope, then, that this
valori del personalismo affinché restart will take place with assumptions
non si disperda il nobile spirito based on the values of personalism so
europeista dei padri fondatori. that the noble pro-European spirit of
the founding fathers is not lost. Have a
Buon viaggio, nuova Europa. good work, new Europe.
Mediterraneo e dintorni - 77