Page 35 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 14
P. 35

CHriStiaN HoLStad at VeNiCe

                                                                                     ith  the  site-specific  installation
                                                                                 Wby  Christian  Holstad,  Consi-
                                                                                 der yourself as a guest (Cornucopia),
            inedito senso  negativo di  “ec-  pianeta e sul nostro ruolo di con-  FPT  Industrial,  a  brandof  the  CNH
            cesso”. La sua Cornucopia mira    sumatori che alimentano que-       Industrial group and a leader in the
            dunque a sensibilizzare il pubbli-  sta crescente massa di plastica»,   production of industrial engines, an-
            co in modo chiaro e immediato,    spiega Holstad.                    nounces  its  commitment  to  support
                                                                                 the arts. The artwork will be exhibited
            letteralmente “portando a galla”   La presentazione dell’opera ne-   at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice:
            un problema di assoluta  attua-   gli  spazi  della  Ca’  Foscari  con-  from 9 to 11 May 2019 on the water
            lità, non lasciandolo  nascosto   ferma la vocazione etica del pro-  of the Canal Grande and from 12 May
                                                                                 to 12 June 2019, it will be displayed at
            nei fondali del mare. «La nostra   getto:  l’ateneo,  infatti,  dal  2010   the university courtyard. The project
            dipendenza dalla plastica non è   incoraggia ogni anno  compor-      reveals made particularly evident by
            sostenibile. I suoi effetti si stanno   tamenti che  riducano  l’impatto   its role as the Main Sponsor of Italian
                                                                                 Pavilion at the 58th International Art
            espandendo nei nostri continen-   dell’Università  sull’ambiente,    Exhibition  of  “La  Biennale  di  Vene-
            ti e nelle nostre acque. Consider   promuovendo  il benessere del-   zia”.  Indeed,  from  April  2019,  FPT
            yourself as a guest è una riflessio-  la comunità, l’equità sociale e lo   Industrialis a partner for the European
            ne sull’impatto che abbiamo sul   sviluppo economico.                Clean Sea Life project which promotes
                                                                                 awareness-raising activities aimed at
                                                                                 protecting  the  sea  from  waste  pollu-
                                                                                 tion. In 2018, the Clean Sea Lifepilot
                                                                                 initiative saw the involvement of twel-
                                                                                 ve  fishing  boats  from  San  Benedetto
                                                                                 del  Tronto  which,  in  one  work  day,
                                                                                 collected 385 kg of waste from the sea,
                                                                                 demonstrating the need for spreading
                                                                                 good practices regarding this subject.
                                                                                 “These are awareness-raising projects
                                                                                 which  we  believe  are  a  ‘must’  for  a
                                                                                 company like ours - says Carlo Mo-
                                                                                 roni, Head of Communication of FPT
                                                                                 Industrial - which has always invested
                                                                                 in research, with the goal of producing
                                                                                 cutting-edge and sustainable engines
                                                                                 that are also environmentally friendly.
                                                                                 The Holstad installation and the Ita-
                                                                                 lian Pavilion sponsorship are a way of
                                                                                 further consolidating our commitment
                                                                                 and to pay homage to Venice”. A cor-
                                                                                 nucopia, an ancient symbol of luck and
                                                                                 abundance, made entirely with plastic
                                                                                 waste,  becomes  the  chance  to  reflect
                                                                                 on  the  urgency  of  tackling  the  issue
                                                                                 of pollution of our seas. The classical
                                                                                 meaning of this iconic image is thus
                                                                                 distorted by the artist, taking on a new
                                                                                 negative  sense  of  “excess”.  “A  past
                                                                                 neighbor had a sign on their door whi-
                                                                                 ch read “Consider yourself a guest”. I
                                                                                 walked past it each day for years and it
                                                                                 became an unintended mantra”, says
                                                                                 Christian Holstad. “Our dependence
                                                                                 on plastics is not sustainable. Its effects
                                                                                 are swelling into continents in our wa-
                                                                                 ters. Consider yourself a guest (Cornu-
                                                                                 copia) is a reflection of our impact on
                                                                                 the planet and our consumptive roles
                                                                                 within  the  growing  plastic  mass”.
                                                                                 Consider yourself as a guest (Cornu-
                                                                                 copia) aims to raise public awareness
                                                                                 in a clear and immediate way, literally
                                                                                 “bringing to the surface” an absolutely
                                                                                 current problem rather than leaving it
                                                                                 hidden in the depths of the sea.

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