Page 33 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 14
P. 33

trAvelInG In the lIGht of the
                                                                                    he magic of crystals” is a docu-
                                                                                “Tmentary film directed by Filippo
                                                                                Corrieri and Ivan Comi, produced in
                                                                                2019 and lasting 97 minutes, which
                                                                                contains  not  only  the  narrative  ele-
                                                                                ment  typical  of  the  cinematographic
                                                                                art but also references to a wider one
                                                                                knowledge of the territory in the in-
                                                                                dividual  scenes,  which  thus  becomes
                                                                                the protagonist and vehicle of tourist
                                                                                enjoyment in a decidedly original per-
                                                                                spective. A magical, inner, dreamlike
                                                                                journey, following the light of the Ca-
                                                                                labrian  lighthouses,  between  poetry,
                                                                                history, nature and legend of a diffi-
                                                                                cult  land  bathed  by  two  seas.  Thou-
                                                                                sands of kilometers between extraordi-
                                                                                nary and fascinating places, guarded
                                                                                with pride by these luminous guides
                                                                                -  the  lighthouses,  in  fact  -  in  search
                                                                                of  that  universal  message  that  only
                                                                                the purity and innocence of a child’s
                                                                                eyes can see and grasp. This cultural
                                                                                initiative originated from a collection
                                                                                of  unpublished  photographs  of  these
                                                                                beautiful  light  towers,  accompanied
                                                                                by texts - translated also in English
                                                                                -  that  tell  stories  and  history  of  the
                                                                                places where they are located. It is cle-
                                                                                arly a work that can pave the way for
            di queste bellissime torri luminose, accompagnata da                niche tourism. The idea is due to the
                                                                                association  La  Vie,  in  collaboration
            testi – tradotti anche in inglese – che raccontano storie           with the Mondo dei Fari association
            e storia dei luoghi in cui sono ubicate. Con tutta evi-             and the Italian Navy. It is an overall
            denza è un’opera che può aprire la strada ad un turi-               project that literally opens the doors
            smo di nicchia. L’idea si deve all’associazione La Vie,             to anyone who wants to visit the li-
            in collaborazione con l’associazione  Mondo dei Fari e              ghthouses and learn more about these
                                                                                structures  that  have  been  guarding
            la Marina Militare Italiana. È un progetto complessi-               our  coasts  for  centuries.  In  particu-
            vo che apre le porte, letteralmente, a chiunque volesse             lar, La Vie is in charge of organizing
            visitare i fari e conoscere di più su queste strutture che          tours  around  the  eleven  lighthouses
            da secoli sorvegliano le nostre coste. In particolare è il          distributed  in  Calabria  between  the
            sodalizio La Vie a farsi carico di organizzare dei tour             Ionian  and  Tyrrhenian,  making  the
                                                                                tourist aware of this splendid region
            intorno agli undici fari distribuiti in Calabria fra Jonio          and  integrating  the  routes  with  the
            e Tirreno, facendo conoscere al turista questa splendi-             inevitable food and wine of the places.
            da regione e integrando i percorsi con l’immancabile                All embellished by an additional tool
            enogastronomia dei luoghi. Il tutto impreziosito da                 of knowledge that will allow you to see
            un ulteriore strumento di conoscenza che consentirà                 the territory from another and higher
                                                                                point  of  view:  the  tour  in  a  tourist
            di vedere il territorio da un altro e alto punto di vista: il       plane that, flying over the coast, will
            tour in aereo da turismo che, sorvolando lungo la co-               review  the  lighthouses.  Excursions
            sta, passerà in rassegna i fari. Previste anche le escur-           with  sailing  boats  are  also  provided.
            sioni con le barche a vela. Il faro, insomma, attraverso            The lighthouse, in short, through this
            questo progetto diventa un ottimo punto di incontro                 project becomes an excellent meeting
                                                                                point on the Calabrian territory.
            sul territorio calabrese.


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