Page 31 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 14
P. 31

the SIStIne ChApel             des of the Old Testament painted on the
                                                                               vault, calling for this delicate and gi-
                                                  n 15 August 1483 one of the most   gantic commission Michelangelo, who
                                               Ofamous monuments of Christianity   accepts  against  his  will.  The  Tuscan
                                                was inaugurated, a magnificent cultu-  artist elaborates his own thematic and
                                                ral and artistic treasure that today is an   figurative program that replaces what
                                                integral part of the Vatican Museums.   had  been  given  to  him,  ensuring  that
                                                Built between 1475 and 1481, the Sisti-  the work merges and integrates into
                                                ne Chapel, dedicated to the Assumption   the architecture: the latter is no longer
                                                of Virgin Mary, is a “painted box” - as   just the “frame” but essence itself of the
                                                defined by Antonio Paolucci, director of   painted space. The very famous “Crea-
                                                the Vatican Museums until 2016 - of   tion of Adam”, painted between 1508
                                                2500 square meters of wall painting, a   and 1512, expresses the creative power
                                                long space 40 meters and up to a ma-  that  God  communicates  to  man.  In
                                                ximum of 21 meters, with dimensions   1534, back in Rome after the fall of the
                                                equal to those of the Temple of Jerusa-  Florentine republic, Michelangelo com-
                                                lem. The entire building was also used   pleted with the “Last Judgment” the de-
                                                as a fortress of the Vatican. Today this   coration of the Sistine Chapel on behalf
                                                wonderful  site  is  universally  known   of Pope Paul III: the large fresco on the
                                                above all for its decorations that make   back  wall  above  the  altar,  finished  in
                                                it a Biblia Pauperum, that is to say that   1541, breaks traditional schemes as it
                                                iconographic apparatus originally crea-  places Christ in an empty space, while
                                                ted to allow anyone to “read” and learn   groups of figures that express the ten-
                                                about the history of salvation, therefore   sion between man and God are agita-
                                                a  sort  of  visual  and  visible  theology.   ted all around, according to the artist’s
                                                Sandro  Botticelli,  Pietro  Perugino,   vision. The Sistine Chapel, beyond the
                                                Pinturicchio,  Domenico  Ghirlandaio,   purely artistic aspect, is the place whe-
                                                Luca  Signorelli,  Piero  di  Cosimo  are   re  the  official  ceremonies  of  the  Pope
                                                the main artists who have worked with   are held as well as the conclave, when
                                                it, and whose details can be appreciated   a  new  Pope  must  be  elected.  Today,
                                                today  thanks  to  the  new  lighting  sy-  with its six million visitors a year, it
                                                stem that enhances the touch of these   is be among the most sought-after sites
                                                great masters of the ‘400.     in the world, but there is no intention
                                                However,  it  is  Michelangelo’s  name   to exceed this threshold since it is con-
                                                that is most associated with the decora-  sidered the limit for safeguarding and
                  “La creazione di Adamo” - Affresco di
                Michelangelo Buonarroti, databile al 1511   tive aspect of the Chapel. And it is Pope   maintaining  the  right  environmental
                e facente parte della decorazione della volta  Julius II who decided to have the episo-  conditions.
                            della Cappella Sistina

            mosissima “Creazione                                               Giudizio Universale (Michelangelo)
            di  Adamo”,  dipinta  fra                                          Cappella Sistina, parete di fondo
            il 1508 e il 1512, esprime
            la potenza creativa che
            Dio comunica all’uomo.
            Nel 1534, tornato a Roma
            dopo la caduta della
            repubblica   fiorentina,
            Michelangelo completa
            con il “Giudizio Uni-
            versale” la decorazione
            della Cappella Sistina su   La Cappella Sistina  vista dall’alto. Dal 1878 è sede stabile di
            incarico di papa Paolo   ogni conclave
            III: il grande affresco sul-
            la parete di fondo sopra          nie ufficiali del Pontefice nonché il
            l’altare, terminato nel 1541, rompe   conclave, quando bisogna elegge-
            gli schemi tradizionali in quanto   re un nuovo Papa. Oggi, con i suoi
            pone Cristo in uno spazio vuoto,   sei milioni di visitatori all’anno
            mentre tutto intorno si agitano   risulta essere tra i siti più ricercati
            gruppi di figure che esprimono la   al mondo, ma non vi è alcuna in-
            tensione tra uomo e Dio, secondo   tenzione di far superare tale soglia
            la visione dell’artista.          poiché essa è ritenuta il limite per
            La Cappella Sistina, al di là del   la salvaguardia e il mantenimento
            fatto squisitamente artistico, è il   delle giuste condizioni ambientali.
            luogo in cui si svolgono le cerimo-

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