Page 69 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 13
P. 69
in Trastevere, an hydric basin to
remake the most important naval
battles of history. The Naumachia
was supposed to have a channel con-
necting with the Tiber, to allow the
access of the ships, and an “island”
in the centre, to make the shows
even more realistic. A century after
it was necessary to build another
aqueduct to stoke the area of Traste-
vere, which was supplied only from
a few waters of the Alsietina. In 109
AD, in fact, thanks to the emperor, it
Parco degli Acquedotti was built the Aqua Traiana, which
was almost entirely restored (1608-
1612) and re-used by Pope Paul
V, from which it takes the name of
Aqua Paola. The “Fontanone” in
the Gianicolo hill was the terminal
point of this aqueduct. The last in-
frastructure built by the roman em-
perors was the Aqua Alexandrina,
willed by Alessandro Severo (AD
226) to bring more water to Nero’s
baths, which were restored by him-
self and for this reason were known
also as “Alexandrian Baths”. The
remaining of the roman aqueducts,
obviously, are not only in Italy,
but also, among others, in Athens,
Istanbul, Segovia (included sin-
ce 1985 in the UNESCO list) and
Nîmes (of which the Pont du Gard
Parco degli Acquedotti is part, the highest ancient bridge
in the world). In Rome, furthermo-
re, we can have a walk in the “Parco
degli Acquedotti” to realise the im-
pressiveness of these structures; the
park, in fact, consists of 240 hectares
and has inside 7 different aqueducts,
some underground and some others
over the peculiar arches that we all
know thanks to famous movies as
“La dolce vita”, “Mamma Roma”,
“Il Marchese del Grillo” or “La
grande bellezza”.
Parco di Tor Fiscale.
Sulla sinistra si intravede l’acquedotto Felice;
sulla destra, con questi imponenti resti è
l’acquedotto Claudio
Naturalmente di acquedotti ro- Gard, il ponte antico più alto del al suo interno ben sette acque-
mani non ci sono resti solo in Ita- mondo). A Roma, tuttavia, basta dotti diversi, alcuni sotterranei
lia, ma anche, tra gli altri, ad Ate- fare una passeggiata nel Parco e altri con le caratteristiche arca-
ne, a Istanbul, a Segovia (inserito degli Acquedotti per rendersi te che tutti abbiamo visto in film
dal 1985 nella lista del Patrimonio conto dell’imponenza di que- come “La dolce vita”, “Mamma
dell’umanità UNESCO) e Nîmes ste strutture; il parco, infatti, che Roma”, “Il Marchese del Grillo” o
(di cui fa parte il famoso Pont du consta di circa 240 ettari, contiene “La grande bellezza”.
Mediterraneo e dintorni - 67