Page 67 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 13
P. 67
were not enough, because in 144 BC te citizens, who unlawfully used their After Augustus’ rise to power, thanks
was built the Aqua Marcia, from the waters. Above the Aqua Marcia were also to the building of numerous public
name of its builder: Quinto Marcio Re. overlapped, for a long tract, the Aqua baths, it was necessary to bring more
The legend says that emperor Nero, one Tepula (125 BC), called in this way be- water into the city and it was built the
summer, wanted to swim in its springs cause it had a higher temperature com- Aqua Virgo (19 BC), which supplies
and because of the very low temperatu- pared to the others, and the Aqua Iulia also the Trevi fountain. The name co-
re of the water he almost fainted. (33 BC). These aqueducts ran, for a lar- mes from a legend: the spring, in fact,
To understand the reasons of this new ge part, parallel to the Aqua Claudia, to was found by a girl, who showed it to
building we obviously have to take into which was overlapped the Anio Novus some thirsty soldiers.
consideration that Rome was in conti- (the building of these last two began in During the construction of the new
nuous expansion and it needed a quan- AD 38 and ended in AD 52); the qua- palace for “La Rinascente”, in Via del
tity of water always increasing, but the drangle formed around Tor Fiscale, in Tritone, emerged huge remaining of
main reasons were the deterioration which also runs the Felice aqueduct, this aqueduct; today is visible for free
of the more ancient infrastructures built by the Pope in 1585, was the place for anyone who comes into the store. To
and especially the fact that those aque- where the Goths, guided by Vitige, in the same emperor dates the Aqua Alsie-
ducts were often intercepted by priva- AD 537, encamped. tina (2 BC), built to fill the Naumachia
Area archeologica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme. Resti dell’Aqua Claudia e dell’Anio Novus (che correva sovrapposto al Claudio), inglobati nelle mura
l’Aqua Tepula (125 a.C.), chiamata d.C.); il quadrilatero che si formò fu necessario portare più acqua
così perché aveva una temperatu- nei pressi di Tor Fiscale, in cui cor- in città e si costruì l’Aqua Virgo
ra molto più calda rispetto a tut- re anche l’acquedotto Felice, vo- (19 a.C.), che alimenta anche la
te le altre, e l’Aqua Iulia (33 a.C.). luto dal Papa nel 1585, fu il luogo Fontana di Trevi. Il nome deriva
Questi acquedotti correvano in in cui si accamparono i Goti, gui- da una leggenda: la sorgente, in-
parte parallele all’Aqua Claudia, dati da Vitige, nel 537 d.C. fatti, fu ritrovata da una fanciulla,
a cui si sovrappose l’Anio Novus Dopo la salita a potere di Augu- che la mostrò ad alcuni soldati in
(questi ultimi due furono inizia- sto, grazie anche alla costruzione cerca d’acqua. Durante la costru-
ti nel 38 d.C. e inaugurati nel 52 di numerose terme pubbliche, zione del nuovo palazzo per La
Mediterraneo e dintorni - 65