Page 45 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 13
P. 45
Alleati. Una storia dolorosa fatta SUSPeNded MoMeNtS - CaSSiNo taLkS aBoUt SaViNG LiVeS aNd
di attimi cruciali e decisioni tor- WorkS oF art BeFore tHe BoMBS oN tHe aBBey
mentate che hanno permesso di
salvare gran parte di quel tesoro he memory is at the center of the “Suspended moments” project inaugura-
e poterlo riconsegnare, dopo la Tted last May 10 in Cassino, in the province of Frosinone, and visited suc-
guerra, alla comunità italiana e cessfully until the end of June in the new multi-purpose space of the Museo
mondiale. Historiale. It is a concept of storytelling and enhancement of the history and
La storia di Cassino ci conduce in memory of the city, interpreted through rescue stories of works of art and lives
parallelo a pensare a tutte le città marked by the tragic events that took place between September 1943 and May
1944. Suspended are the lives of those who lived those moments , quick the mo-
che ancora oggi sono rase al suo- ments of those who, in that roar, rescued the works of art preserved in the Abbey
lo dalla guerra, dove patrimoni of Montecassino before the devastating bombing of February 15, 1944. A story
culturali e sociali sono sepolti with several voices through a live show and a visit itinerary interactive and im-
sotto le macerie e, forse, andati mersive that starting from the Atelier in Via San Marco moved in the city and
perduti per sempre. Ecco perché reached the magnificent Abbey. Diaries, writings, texts, newspaper articles,
memoirs, photos, videos, interviews: the material collected and selected is in
questo progetto diventa “porta large quantities. Still pulsating material that “Suspended moments” has made
della memoria”, un viaggio per alive and has returned to the visitors to keep even today the memory of those
vivere i ricordi e interpretare il moments, those terrible months of fire, death and devastation on the Gustav
presente, al fine di agire meglio line: the Germans above, the Americans below. Cassino tells itself, therefore,
sul domani. why at least one word remains among the rubble. Each narrative is a testament
L’evento ha visto la direzione to everything that has been. Each story is a fragment of a memory that must be
preserved. Every life is a work of art. During the Second World War the Abbey
artistica e tecnica di Luigi Vetra- of Montecassino was one of the places identified to preserve part of the Italian
ni e il coordinamento scientifico heritage from the German raid and bombs; but in October 1943 this certainty
dell’Università degli Studi di falters since the site will then be hit by the Allies. A painful story made of cru-
Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale cial moments and tormented decisions that have allowed to save a large part of
– Dipartimento di Lettere e Filo- that treasure and to be able to return it, after the war, to the Italian and world
community. The history of Cassino leads us in parallel to think of all the cities
sofia, grazie a Ivana Bruno, con that even today are razed to the ground by the war, where cultural and social
la collaborazione di Benedetto Di heritage is buried under the rubble and, perhaps, lost forever. This is why this
Fazio, nonché di Tamara Baris e project becomes a “door of memory”, a journey to live memories and interpret
Alessandra Chiarlitti per le ricer- the present, in order to act better on tomorrow.
che e i testi.
Mediterraneo e dintorni - 43