Page 10 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 13
P. 10

Cave di Bauxite - Poggiorsini- Spinazzola         Epitaffio della disfida - Andria - Trani

                dei campi di grano o dei pascoli rocciosi le brillanti
                fioriture dei tulipani selvatici, dei gladioli e delle or-
                chidee; e in autunno, quando ciclamini e colchici co-
                lorano le nude pietre dei costoni rocciosi e dei nume-
                rosi muretti a secco.
                Le tappe da Gioia del Colle a Trani. Si tratta di un
                percorso escursionistico tracciato percorribile a pie-
                di o in bicicletta per l’80% su strade a scarso traffico
                veicolare, strade chiuse al traffico e strade campestri.

                green intense wheat fields or rocky pastures, between the evi-  Barletta - Canne della battaglia (Alcesty photography)
                dent yellow of the ferula, and encountering orchids and falconer
                hawks. In this land, emperors, peasants, shepherds, woodsmen,
                along with the climate, have made the landscape and its cultu-
                re unique. The climate. Average temperatures in winter record
                values of 1-6 ° C, in January there are negative minimums and
                snowfalls. In summer there are average temperatures around 30
                ° C. Precipitation is abundant. All this makes this landscape re-
                markably dynamic, and there are two recommended seasons for
                setting out on this path: in spring, when it is possible to observe
                the bright blooms of wild tulips, gladioli and orchids in the in-
                tense green of the wheat fields or rocky pastures; and in autumn,
                when cyclamens and colchics color the bare stones of the rocky
                ridges and the numerous dry-stone walls.
                The stages from Gioia del Colle to Trani. This is an 80% hiking
                trail that can be traveled on foot or by bicycle on roads with low
                vehicular traffic, roads closed to traffic and country roads. The
                route is divided into stages on average twenty-two kilometers
                long. They are organized in such a way as to allow the walker
                / cyclist to make stops in places of refreshment or shorten the
                journey by staying in lodgings along the route. As fundamental
                characteristics of the stages are considered: length of the route;
                difficulty level; height difference (the sum of the slope up and
                down); the expected travel time; the type of road surface.
                                                                         Monteserico - Poggiorsini (Alcesty photography)

                Mediterraneo e dintorni - 8
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