Page 55 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 12
P. 55

ottimale per la produzione agri-
            cola. La vicinanza col Mar Nero,
            inoltre,  genera un’area fertile per
            la coltivazione di grano, mais,
            avena,  tabacco,  barbabietole da
            zucchero, soia e orzo, girasoli,
            nocciole, mele e frutta.  La gio-
            vane Repubblica è conosciuta in
            tutto il mondo per la produzione
            vinicola, vantando le cantine più
            grandi al mondo, ben 120 chilo-
            metri sotterranei che garantisco-
            no un perfetto microclima. Tali
            cantine sono visitate ogni anno         Consoli onorari e ambasciatore della Repubblica di Moldova in Italia in visita
            da migliaia di turisti. Il Paese            al Point della Camera di Commercio italo-moldova della Puglia
            esporta oltre 400 milioni di botti-
            glie all’anno e tra le etichette pre-
            giate figura il “Negru de Purca-  Incentivare la collaborazione tra i   Moldova non può che generare
            ri”, da sempre bevuto dalla Corte   produttori storici italiani e quelli   un prodotto di qualità e la capaci-
            di Inghilterra. È un vino rosso   moldavi, unire tradizione e tec-  tà di sviluppare impresa in modo
            secco di altissima qualità. La pre-  nologia, sapere e modernità, non   ottimale. Le prospettive di coo-
            stigiosa tenuta Purcari, distan-  può che giovare alle aziende di   perazione economica tra l’Italia
            te 129 chilometri dalla capitale   entrambi i Paesi, diffondendo un   e la Moldova sono innumerevoli
            Chisinau produce il vino, invec-  patrimonio culturale, sociale ed   e variegate, come si è visto. L’in-
            chiato tre anni in botti di rovere,   enogastronomico  utile a raffor-  crocio economico, diplomatico e
            in lotti molto limitati. L’Agenzia   zare le relazioni diplomatiche ed   sociale tra i due Paesi può gene-
            mondiale del vino ha registrato   economiche.  Unire la passione,   rare davvero molte buone pro-
            che il settore vitivinicolo conta   la preparazione e l’imprenditoria   spettive. Certamente un esempio
            per più del 20% del Pil del Paese.   italiana con la cultura del vino in   da seguire.

              the Promotion of italian         ket to over 800 million consumers, are   been drunk by the Court of England. It
              exCellenCe aBroad.               some of the opportunities in the country   is a high quality dry red wine. The pre-
                                               located between the Russian and Euro-  stigious  Purcari  estate,  which  is  129
                he importance of projects on interna-  pean markets . The resulting advantage   kilometers  from  the  capital  Chisinau,
              Ttionalization  and international eco-  is evident for Italian entrepreneurs who   produces wine, aged three years in oak
              nomic cooperation aimed at promoting   go there, being able to have free access to   barrels, in very limited lots. The World
              the entrepreneurial realities of central   the Eastern European market. The grea-  Wine Agency has recorded that the wine
              and southern Italy is increasing, with a   test opportunities are in the agricultural   sector accounts for more than 20% of the
              range of targeted actions, aimed at con-  and agro-industrial sector,  perspecti-  country’s GDP. Encouraging collabora-
              solidating the position and image of pro-  ves  of  cooperation  on  which  we  want   tion between historic Italian and Moldo-
              ducts of excellence and Italian know-how   to  focus.  The  territory  of  the  Republic   van producers, combining tradition and
              abroad. Thanks to the creation of insti-  of Moldova is mostly flat and this con-  technology,  knowledge  and  modernity,
              tutional  consortia,  linked  to  the  inter-  formation makes it an optimal place for   can only benefit the companies of both
              national structures and to the points of   agricultural  production.  Furthermore,   countries,  spreading a cultural, social
              the foreign Chambers of Commerce, the   the proximity to the Black Sea generates   and  food  and  wine  heritage  useful  for
              number of fresher  companies that had   a fertile area for the cultivation of wheat,   strengthening diplomatic and economic
              never exported or had done so on an oc-  corn, oats, tobacco, sugar beets, soybe-  relations.  Combining  the  passion,  pre-
              casional basis increases, and they begin   ans  and  barley,  sunflowers,  hazelnuts,   paration  and Italian  entrepreneurship
              to have the opportunity to be represen-  apples and fruit. The young Republic is   with the wine culture in Moldova can
              ted in the most important international   known throughout the world for its wine   only generate a quality product and the
              markets. Over the last year, an excellent   production, boasting the largest cellars   ability to develop business in an optimal
              work has been done by the Point of the   in the world, as many as 120 kilometers   way. The prospects for economic coope-
              Italy-Moldova Chamber of Commerce of   underground  that guarantee  a perfect   ration  between  Italy  and  Moldova  are
              Barletta, whose contact is the entrepre-  microclimate. These wineries are visited   innumerable and varied, as we have seen.
              neur Luigi Caruso. An open economy,   every year by thousands of tourists. The   The economic, diplomatic and social in-
              an association agreement with the Euro-  country exports over 400 million bottles   tersection between the two countries can
              pean Union since 2014 and a free trade   a year and among the prized labels is the   really  generate  many  good  prospects.
              regime that provides access to the mar-  “Negru de Purcari”, which has always   Certainly an example to follow.

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