Page 37 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 12
P. 37

the mediterranean diet,
                                                                                 a Wealth for our health

                                                                                   lready at the end of the Second
                                                                                 AWorld  War,  when  people  re-
                                                                                 alized  that  the populations  facing
                                                                                 the  Mediterranean  waters  had  a
                                                                                 significantly  lower  spread  of  car-
                                                                                 diovascular diseases compared to
                                                                                 North  American  and  Northern
                                                                                 European countries, studies began
                                                                                 that allowed us to affirm that the
                                                                                 Mediterranean diet represents not
                                                                                 only a traditional diet typical  of
                                                                                 the countries  bordering the mare
                                                                                 nostrum, but a real nutritional
                                                                                 model that appears to be of proven
                                                                                 health value. This dietary model re-
            tazione. L’elevato consumo di     dieta  provvede  ad  equilibrare   presents a diet for everyone, which
            carni rosse e grassi di origine   il microbiota intestinale, ormai   allows effective prevention of meta-
                                                                                 bolic disorders that are widespread
            animali, l’alto contenuto di zuc-  considerato  un vero e proprio    in the population, namely diseases
            cheri  e  di  alimenti  raffinati  in-  organo, responsabile della mo-  such as obesity, diabetes mellitus,
                                                                                 hepatic steatosis, cardiovascular
            dustrialmente, sono, purtroppo,   dulazione della permeabilità in-   diseases and intestinal chronic in-
            tutte caratteristiche  abitudina-  testinale e dell’assorbimento dei   flammatory diseases and, not least,
            rie nel mondo occidentale:  ciò è   nutrienti. Studi recenti hanno   tumors. The reduced intake of red
                                                                                 meat and fat of animal origin, in
            stato correlato ad una maggiore   osservato che poche settimane      favor of a higher percentage of vege-
            insorgenza di tumori del tratto   di un siffatto regime alimentare   tables, fruit, olive oil, seeds, cereals
            gastrointestinale,  in particolare   determinano un miglioramento    and legumes, as well as fish, gene-
                                                                                 rates a lower content of saturated
            al cancro del colon, e questo è sta-  qualitativo  della  flora  batterica   fatty acids and a high percentage of
            to messo in relazione all’effetto   intestinale. Ecco perché la dieta   unsaturated ones, together with the
            ossidante,  pro-infiammatorio  e   mediterranea, dal 2010, è stata   contribution of vegetable fibers and
                                                                                 the variety of antioxidants and mo-
            tumorigeno che un tale regime     inclusa nel patrimonio intangi-    lecules with a proven anti-inflam-
            alimentare favorisce a carico del-  bile dell’umanità dell’UNESCO.   matory role.
            la mucosa del tratto intestinale.  Inoltre, associata ad uno stile di   Obesity is directly linked to the risk
                                                                                 of cardiovascular disease and can-
            Con la dieta mediterranea, ca-    vita in cui l’introito di calorie sia   cer. A high body mass index is the
            ratterizzata da alimenti ricchi di   accompagnato  da un’adeguata    characteristic of obesity, but today
            antiossidanti, si riduce l’azione   spesa energetica e da un’attività   we know that there are individuals
                                                                                 with normal body mass index and
            dannosa prodotta dai radicali li-  fisica di tipo aerobico, rappresen-  yet they are “metabolically obese”.
            beri, con un chiaro beneficio per   ta un caposaldo di salute sotto   With the Mediterranean diet, cha-
            la  nostra  salute.  Infine  questa   ogni aspetto.                  racterized by foods rich in antioxi-
                                                                                 dants, the harmful action produced
                                                                                 by free radicals is reduced, with a
                                                                                 clear benefit for our health. Final-
                                                                                 ly, this diet balances the intestinal
                                                                                 microbiota, now considered a real
                                                                                 organ, responsible for modulating
                                                                                 intestinal permeability and nu-
                                                                                 trient  absorption.  Recent  studies
                                                                                 have observed that a few weeks of
                                                                                 such an alimentary regime deter-
                                                                                 mine a qualitative improvement of
                                                                                 the intestinal bacterial flora. This
                                                                                 is  why  the  Mediterranean  diet,
                                                                                 since  2010,  has  been  included  in
                                                                                 the UNESCO intangible heritage
                                                                                 of  humanity.  Furthermore,  asso-
                                                                                 ciated with a lifestyle in which the
                                                                                 intake of calories is accompanied by
                                                                                 adequate  energy  expenditure  and
                                                                                 an aerobic type of physical activity,
                                                                                 it represents a cornerstone of health
                                                                                 in every respect.

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