Page 29 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 12
P. 29
suddetto volume: «Restare non è
un fatto di pigrizia, di debolezza:
dev’essere considerato un fatto
di coraggio. Una volta c’era il sa-
crificio dell’emigrante e adesso
c’è il sacrificio di chi resta. Una
novità rispetto al passato, perché
una volta si partiva per necessità
ma c’era anche una tendenza a
fuggire da un ambiente conside-
rato ostile, chiuso, senza oppor-
tunità. Oggi i giovani sentono
che possano esserci opportunità Tiriolo, tomba (foto Gianluca Rocca)
nuove, altri modelli e stili di vita,
e che questi luoghi possono esse-
re vivibili. È finito il mito dell’al-
trove come paradiso. L’etica del-
la restanza è vista anche come
una scommessa, una disponibili-
tà a mettersi in gioco».
«Il concetto
di “restanza” è inteso
non come passiva
ma come scelta di vita
consapevole volta
alla cura dei luoghi»
Love’s Photo Sala Artigianato (Ricardo Stocco, Scheria Soc. Coop.)
it.a.CÀ 2019, the national realities including Rimini and its Valli, directs the “Center of Anthropology and
festival on “restanza” Salento, Gran Sasso, Brescia, Ravenna, Literature of the Mediterranean” at the
an event that helPs Trentino, Reggio Emilia, Parma, Pavia, Department of Philology. Teti, who will
disCovering PlaCes Monferrato, Naples and Levante Ligure. present to the public “ Pietre di pane. Un’
and Cultures IT.A.CÀ from 21 June to 7 July also in- antropologia del restare “ on June 21 in
volves Calabria. The theme of this edition Tiriolo (CZ), writes in the aforementio-
warded by the UN World Tourism is centered around the concept of “re- ned volume: “Remaining is not a matter
AOrganization for excellence and in- stanza”, understood not as inertia and of laziness, of weakness: it must be con-
novation in tourism, IT.A.CÀ, the first passive resignation, but as a choice of sidered a matter of courage. Once there
and only festival in Italy on responsible conscious life, active defense of the terri- was the sacrifice of the emigrant and now
tourism, invites you to discover pla- tory aimed at the care of places understo- there is the sacrifice of those who remain.
ces and cultures through walking and od as common goods. The “restanza” im- A novelty; once it was necessary to leave
cycling routes, workshops, seminars, plies a constant commitment aimed at a but there was also a tendency to escape
laboratories, art exhibitions, concerts, change that starts from the local commu- from an environment considered hostile,
documentaries, book presentations and nity, from its traditions and resources, closed, without opportunities.
tastings, to launch a concept of ethical to reach an innovative and sustainable Today young people feel that there can
tourism that respects the territories. development as a new way of rediscovery be new opportunities, other models and
IT.A.CÀ, a project of national signifi- and conviviality. lifestyles, and that these places can be
cance, now in its 11th edition, also ap- The theme of “restanza” was in particu- livable. The myth of elsewhere as a pa-
pears as a traveling event that, taking on lar analyzed in depth by the anthropolo- radise is over. The ethics of restanza is
the city of Bologna as a place of departure gist Vito Teti, professor at the Univer- also seen as a bet, a willingness to get
(24 May 2019) is touching on various sity of Calabria, where he founded and involved».
Mediterraneo e dintorni - 27