Page 21 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 12
P. 21
interwoven with Christian-Sylvan cases did not happen. Today, after thus collected in various notebooks
syncretisms, traditional dances more than half a century, visiting represent a work still in progress.
and music with echoes and Celtic these places immediately catches a One of the aspects that fascinates
sounds ... all this, with the advent surprising element in seeing how me most about this experience is the
of modernity and the economic mi- nature has been able to recover in encounter, in places that are often
racle it quickly eclipsed. In the mid- a relatively short time, space and remote, with the increasingly faint
1960s the last great and definitive vigor, healing degradations and traces of the past presence of man:
exodus took place. The centuries-old ancient wounds, rebuilding a lush the ruins of a house now colonized
harsh living conditions became un- environment of woods. My passion by the vegetation that emerges in
sustainable and the abandonment for hiking has led me to walk and the woods, a votive cell which re-
fell on countries, estates and chest- stay often in this area since I was sists the edges of a mule track, the
nut groves. a boy. In recent years these wande- now uncertain beams of an old bri-
Entire hamlets and scattered houses rings have combined the pleasure of dge, a rusty agricultural tool aban-
were locked with furniture, furni- drawing on the spot, giving me the doned on the edge of a field, or more
shings, perhaps thinking of the pos- necessary breaks and moments of in detail, surfacing from the ground
sibility of a return that in almost all serene contemplation. The images of a horseshoe or a twisted nail.
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