Biagio Scaramuzzino da Serra San Bruno at the Royal Palace of Caserta

Biagio Scaramuzzino da Serra San Bruno at the Royal Palace of Caserta My excavations continue in the Calabrian Bourbon history, I continue to dig up elements that, for better or for worse, give a different vision of this region. This time I intend to tell you the story of Scaramuzzino, the great architect who traveled […]

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Coco … “l’influencer”

di Elena Vera Stella Chanel come una borsa blu in pelle trapuntata con tracolla dorata, l’icona! Chanel come una giacca in Tweed, morbida, con quattro tasche a vista, un profilo di catena dorata che ne definisce la linea, l’eleganza! Chanel come Coco, la donna che ormai cinquanta anni fa ci lasciava, dopo aver creato un […]

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Editoriale di gennaio

di Rosalba Paletta E’ finalmente iniziato un nuovo anno, dopo quello che ci siamo lasciati faticosamente alle spalle. Il 2020 ha stravolto da un punto di vista sanitario, sociale ed economico le nostre esistenze, ma al netto di tanto dolore, siamo ancora qua. E questa, abbiamo imparato ad apprezzare, non è una cosa poi così […]

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My name is Michelangelo Buonarroti

Apollonia Nanni “May I always want more than I can achieve”, a daily invocation to God who has given me the soul of an artist, the heart of a child, and the sight of an eagle sculpting and painting where he rests look. Even if amidst torments and doubts, you have allowed me to create […]

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The perfect manager

by Rosalba Paletta         Milan / Vibo one way. After an intense and passionate university education and beyond, it is not easy to return to the territory in which you live and work today. What “brought” you home …? I was proudly born in Calabria but the city that formed me as […]

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T – TU QUOQUE TATA MIHI? “Tata” (or “Tati”) is the affective nickname which Claudia and I have always addressed each other. “Tati wait for me!” … “Tati how do you do this?” … “Tati how do you open that?” Are just some examples of the typical leit- motiv of our travels. The first trips, […]

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Simple Factory

The new generation technology meets the made in Italy design: Simple Fabrica srl ​​is born in Pordenone. This innovative start-up, owned by Simple Group Ag, is based at the Alto Adriatico Technological Pole, and is a member of the COMET cluster, the regional engineering chain.

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Diabolik. The film

Their names are Marco and Antonio, they are brothers, they are directors, screenwriters and producers. They are the Manetti Bros, and after having conquered

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Dante, Mohammed and the Ascent to Heaven

At the end of a year full of literary recurrences, the 700s of Alighieri lead to a last but tantalizing reflection on the Comedy and the magmatic, multicultural and Mediterranean universe, from which the Supreme Drew heavily.

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Soverato is a charming Calabrian city in the Hippocampus Bay that offers its citizens and guests extensive beaches, a mild climate, a panoramic gulf with blue and pristine waters. But Soverato is not just sea, breathtaking views, seahorses and promenade: it is much more. To all this is added a noteworthy historical and artistic heritage. […]

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