Nocciole italiane: eccellenze Dop e Igp da sgusciare

Spesso si tende a pensare che le eccellenze italiane più riconosciute a livello mondiale siano pasta e mozzarella. In molti dimenticano il ruolo da protagoniste che spetta alle coltivazioni di nocciole in Italia. Ottime da sgranocchiare, ideali da tostare, perfette per essere utilizzate come ingrediente principale di numerose ricette e preparazioni dolciarie: sono le nocciole […]

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Art by RABARAMA Rabarama, aka Paola Epifani, creates sculptures and paintings with men, women or hybrid creatures, also passing through the eccentric. The skin of the subjects created by the artist is always decorated with symbols, letters, hieroglyphs and other figures in a variety of shapes. This “cloak” that seems to envelop the figures constantly […]

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The messianic Beatles How much sadness on that 10 April 1970. For many, it represented the farewell from youth, the day we woke up from the dream, the day we found ourselves taking leave of the Sixties, with our dreams of revolution, of change, discovery and wonder. That was also the day the Beatles officially […]

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Unusual destinations. Discover Warsaw in 72 hours When the desire for a city break becomes irresistible, thanks to the many offers of low cost flights, Warsaw is the answer. The capital of Poland is in itself an unusual destination, and it is even more so if you choose it for a winter trip, perfect for […]

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Turismo Outdoor

Tourism resumes fron outdoors A walker’s passport. To be filled with stamps and visas, just like a common travel document, with the added possibility of georeferencing and being followed remotely, in case of need. A proof that attests the slow, green and aware journey, capable of capturing the soul of the places. Which certifies the […]

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Jan Slangen

Jan Slangen a life at high altitude Jan Slangen is a three-dimensional man, divided as he is between land, sea and sky. Air Force pilot in the Frecce Tricolori for 12 years, four of which as Commander, he owes the definition of being terrestrial to his human condition, but in fact his most intimate aspirations […]

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Italians and Oscar Award

Italians and Oscar Award “And the Oscar goes to … Roberto!” With these words, a very excited and very happy Sophia Loren announces the Oscar Award to Roberto Benigni for Best Foreign-language Film with La vita è bella. A scene that we all know, that made history, and that sees the director climb into the […]

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The Capomulini wreck

Sea keeper of History – the Capomulini wreck I had heard about the Capomulini wreck several times. Of course, among underwater legends and pseudo-truths, I had never had the opportunity to explore it personally and, for this reason, I could not even imagine it. When with my friends from the Diving Center Jonio Pro Dive […]

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Valle del liri 2

The production sector will still be operational for a century or more and from 1860 to 1870 its business will grow considerably. In 1900 the paper mill was purchased by Don Nicola Scotto from Naples with the intention of making it still competitive. Scotto built a penstock that was able to operate the turbines of […]

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Domenico Ferraro

Only the tip of the iceberg of a feverish activity: how has the editorial line of Squilibri changed over time? Our intent has never been to confine ourselves to the fence of an exasperated specialization but to investigate and document everything that revolves around the music of oral tradition: reinterpretations of popular repertoires, artistic proposals […]

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