The Neapolitan Festival is the forerunner of the Sanremo Festival

It is certain that everyone thinks that the first Italian song festival is Sanremo! But in reality, this event owes its birth to Naples and the Neapolitans; it could not be otherwise given that the Italian song itself was born from the Neapolitan song. Indeed, with the poster in hand, it is possible to document […]

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The art of handing down the art

Rome the eternal city. The sixties were characterized by artistic irruptions of new movements, new artists, new schools, overturning a scenario addicted to classicism and consolidated. Scuola di Piazza…

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The abyss between history and art. Face to face with Barbara Davidde for a year at the head of the newly created National Superintendency for Underwater Heritage

Let’s close our eyes and try to go back 2600 years. And let’s imagine that we are in one of the most difficult points of the Mediterranean…

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Farewell to Sassoli! We just have to act

When I returned to TG1 in 2007, in the editorial staff of the weekly TV7, David Sassoli was already deputy director and head of the “TG1 Specials”, so he was my direct superior … It was easy to see …

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Staglieno, a cemetery to visit at least once while alive

There is an open-air museum on the Staglieno hill. It is more than a museum, something rooted in the soul, the other side of the city of the living. It is a monumental cemetery full of statues of a disturbing realism, full…

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Nudibranchs, the charm of marine “Pokemon”

Classifying the living seems to have been, probably, the first activity that involved man, considering that among the verses of Genesis, the invitation addressed to Adam to give a name to the newly created animals, so that they could distinguish one from the other, is famous. A classification will that, over the centuries, has involved […]

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Persepolis, designing emancipation

For some time now, the date of February 1st coincides with the “World Day of the Islamic Veil”. The custom of veiling one’s head, purely Mediterranean and of the immediate surroundings (Near and Middle East), is a practice around which stereotypes, ideological and cultural wars are…

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Chianti sculpture park. A pleasant story of recovery and art

In an oak forest of about seven hectares, art has replaced a boar breeding. The history of the Chianti Sculpture Park in Pievasciata…

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Intervista a Teresa Murgida

di Vittorio Pio E’ stato un anno molto importante per “Il filo quotidiano” (Compact Edizioni), prima raccolta in versi di Maria Teresa Murgida, autrice catanzarese che dopo l’affermazione al concorso “Metropoli in versi”, dedicato al tema delle città e dei luoghi del vivere, ideato e promosso da Phoenix Associazione Culturale, in collaborazione con Upter Roma, […]

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Editoriale di febbraio

di Rosalba Paletta Cari lettori, sono felice di ritrovarvi e raccontarvi la gestazione di questo nuovo ricchissimo numero di “Mediterraneo e dintorni”. Partiamo dalla copertina. Saprete già che Procida sarà la capitale italiana della Cultura 2022, come annunciato lo scorso 18 gennaio dal presidente della giuria Stefano Baia Curioni, all’allora Ministro della Cultura Dario Franceschini. […]

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