Dizionario daltonico prima parte
COLORBLIND DICTIONARY OF A DIVA A –AHEAD FULL SPEED So far you have followed me in more or less solitary adventures, and still I have many to tell you, but just allow me a choral parenthesis in which to introduce you other extraordinary travel companions, with whom I have really shared everything by land, […]
Continua a leggereBiagio Scaramuzzino da Serra San Bruno at the Royal Palace of Caserta
Biagio Scaramuzzino da Serra San Bruno at the Royal Palace of Caserta My excavations continue in the Calabrian Bourbon history, I continue to dig up elements that, for better or for worse, give a different vision of this region. This time I intend to tell you the story of Scaramuzzino, the great architect who traveled […]
Tuscania is out of the way and still no one, who is not from those places, knows the beautiful path that leads from Etruscan and papal Vetralla to Etruscan and papal Tuscania between meadows and woods. “Long shadows ran on the ground, the first shadows of the evening ran from west to east similar to […]
Continua a leggereWine relais. Sleeping in the vineyards and discovering the secrets of wine
Autumn is that season, where you imagine yourself sipping a glass of wine in front of a lit fireplace, or dining in a barrel and sleeping among the vineyards that are tinged with the warm colors of yellows, oranges and reds. The soul gives way to slowness, the days begin to shorten and the desire […]
Continua a leggereBERLIN WALL
On November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall collapsed, the quintessential symbol of the Cold War. More than thirty years have passed since an event that marked the troubled history of the twentieth century. The history of the wall begins after the destruction of the city in 1945 by the Red Army, Germany divided into four […]
Continua a leggereThe principality of Seborga, an ancient fairy tale in the heart of Liguria
There is a small village (sorry, a principality) nestled in the dazzling green hills of the far west of Liguria and overlooking a sea so blue that in the distance it seems painted. Along the alleys and in the medieval squares the white and blue flags of the kingdom flutter in the west wind that […]
Continua a leggereHorses of the sea
About thirty years ago, the Strait of Messina, especially in its Ionian offshoot, represented one of the favorite homes of an extraordinarily intriguing fish: the seahorse. It was in September 1997, in the sea of Saline Joniche in Calabria, that I interacted, for the first time, with a pair of Hippocampus (this is its scientific […]
Continua a leggereAppunti di viaggio in Vietnam
di Gianvittorio Plazzogna – Nei miei primi viaggi ritornavo sempre a casa con oggetti acquistati nei paesi che visitavo, tessuti, foulards, oggetti vari in legno o in ceramica, ma da un po’ di tempo torno a casa solo con qualche centinaio di foto e qualche decina di disegni. Questi ultimi sono i più […]
Continua a leggerePalermo, città ritrovata
di Catia Sardella “Posta nella migliore posizione del mondo trascorre la sua vita nella Conca d’Oro”: così affermava Oscar Wilde parlando di Palermo, una capitale che ha ospitato popoli e culture diversi, conservando testimonianze uniche di quello che è stato il suo glorioso passato. Vi condurrò in una passeggiata turistica per la città, quale […]
Continua a leggereMatera
di Simonetta Rigato Queste tavole sono dedicate a Matera, città che ho visitato nel 2013 quando ci andai fuori stagione appositamente per disegnare gli scorci meravigliosi e i panorami che la città lucana offre. Le muffe verdi delle Chiese rupestri, in modo davvero particolare e assai suggestivo, sono ancora oggi impresse nella mia memoria, […]
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